Bet on you.
Pete Scott
Sales expert and business consultant | Unlock your sales results | Build total sales confidence | Currently documenting my journey of trying to make 50K in sales in 30 days.
Do you offer a fundamental shift and transformation to your client?
If you answered "yes" then here's the thing...
You owe it to yourself to be known as the go to expert within the eyes of your client.
This is why you never want to miss another sale, because it's literally your human right to help people in the specific area you offer transformation.
Imagine if next week you have X 3 enquiries and you know you could help them, but instead all X 3 say:
"I'll think about it"
"I'll get back to you."
The highest level of service is to sell.
Knowing you can help your next X 3 enquiries but losing the sales shouldn't even be an option.
I'll never forget when I lost X 17 sales in one day as a personal trainer (yep, 17!)
I had X 17 consultations and ZERO converted to a paying client.
The worst thing of all... I knew I could help every single person, if they just said "yes" to my solution.
But here's the thing...
- I didn't have a solution, I was just selling personal training because I never looked at the bigger picture
- I had no clue how my consultation should be or what questions I should ask, so I just winged it (and I did this everyday)
- I thought it was all about me being good enough and worth it! But this was total rubbish, I just didn't know how to sell or influence
- I never once asked for the two thousand pound sale, so I never made the two thousand pound sale (funny that)
- I didn't even have a two thousand pound solution (difficult to sell something you don't have)
So guess what I did?
I did what any 21 year old personal trainer would do, I asked my colleagues and peers for advice.
They just told me?"good luck"?and?"there's no money in fitness anyway."
Poor advice led to even worse results.
It was only when I finally made the decision to step up and contact the top performer in the company that I actually got some real advice.
It was only when I took 'how to sell' seriously that things actually changed.
It was only when we got a new manager and he became my first mentor, I started to change how I sold forever.
Back to you.
- Are you prepared to sell?
- If someone showed up in your business right now and said?"I'm ready to pay you thousands to help me,"?would you be ready in that moment to offer the exact solution and deliver?
I've asked the above question +100 times this year alone and less than X5 people have said?"yep, I'm good to go."
The other 95, we're not ready to sell.
Oh yeah - A lot say?"yes of course,"?but once you dig more than an inch deep, they realise they're far from ready.
When you're ready to sell and I mean really ready and on a transformational level.
Let me know... because you know you've got a lot of people you need to help and in my experience, it's not going to happen by accident or in another 6 months just because.
Change happens when you take deliberate and conscious steps.
I used to say the client can achieve it without you, but it's BS, they can't. I never would be doing 1% of what I'm doing right now if I didn't have the right mentors and leaders around me.
If you'd like me to support you in your journey, let me know.
Have a great fuc*** day, but not by accident, but because you made it happen.