#BestFilmsReleasesThisWeek21stJuly2017 #JohnsonThomas

#BestFilmsReleasesThisWeek21stJuly2017 #JohnsonThomas

#Dunkirk(English/Imax) Rating: * * * * Heralding a point of view that is exclusively that of the soldiers caught in the cross-hairs of a relentless marauding enemy, Christopher Nolan’s ‘Dunkirk’ takes you where most other war films don’t go. Into the minds of the cornered soldier scurrying for cover in the hopes of seeing a way out from the onrushing fire power being unleashed on him. Magnificent and spell binding! #ChristopherNolan #WarnerBrosIndia #WarnerBrosPictures #MeghnaChadha #BazingaEntertainment #TomHardy #KennethBranagh #JamesDArcy #MarkRylance   #CillianMurphy #FionnWhitehead #HarryStyles                        #AneurinBarnard #JamesDArcy #JackLowden #BarryKeoghan #TomGlynnCarney Runtime: 107 mins

#LipstickUnderMyBurkha(Hindi) Rating: * * * featuring the Sexual rebellion and liberation of repressed women, this one is a little tame but worthy nevertheless. The ace performances and the treatment make it a major happening! #AlankritaShrivastava #BalajiMotionsPictures #EktaKapoor #ShobhaKapoor #TusshatKapoor #PrakashJha #AltEntertainment #PrakashJhaProductions #KonkonaSenSharma #RatnaPathakShah #AahanaKumra #PlabitaBorthakur Runtime: 118 mins

#Manja(Marathi) Rating: * * * This psycho thriller in Marathi directed by #JatinWagle is quite a humdinger- eventually that is. About an anxious single Mother trying to protect her son from a psychotic, clingy friend, this one is quite a rare one for Indian cinema. From a slow moving first half set-up and exposition to highly tense, thrilling psycho play , this one makes you sit up and take notice. Not quite edgy but definitely intriguing.Terrific convincing performances make it even more worthy.. #AshwiniBhave #SumedMudgalkar #RohitPhalke #NitinKeni #ManishVashisht #mfdc #IndiaStoriesProduction #TrilokMalhotra #KRHarish #ApoorvaArora #ShivaniTanksale #MohanKapoor #DenzilSmith #DeepakRane ?#SnehaNachankarPR #DreamersPR Runtime:125 mins


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