#BestFilmsReleasesThisWeek15thDec2017 #JohnsonThomas
Johnson Thomas
freelance at freelance Journalist Editor Biographer Feature writer,Film critic Book,Theatre,Art,Culture critic
#BestFilmsReleasesThisWeek15thDec2017 #JohnsonThomas
#StarWarsTheLastJedi(English/Imax3D) Rating: * * * ? It’s been 40 years since the Star Wars Universe got kick-started by George Lucas and Co., so now obviously it’s time for the NewGen takeover in order to infuse the franchise with some fresh young blood. This film is an expansive, eventful, spectacular driven by strong characterisations, amazingly scaled-up and deep visuals and rejuvenated new generation action surrounded by enveloping signature sound. It’s a visually transporting experience that is both intriguing and witty. #WaltDisneyMotionPictures #GeorgeLucas #WaltDisneyStudiosMotionPictures #LucasFilmProduction. #KathleenKennedy #RamBergman #UniversalCommunications #ParagDesaiPR #DaisyRidley #MarkHamill #CarrieFisher #JohnBoyega #AdamDriver #OscarIsaac #KellyMarieTran #BenicioDelToro #GwendolineChristie #LauraDern #DomhnallGleeson #AndySerkis #LupitaNyongo #AnthonyDaniels #BillieLourd #WarwickDavis #JimmyVee #Ng?ThanhVan #RianJohnson Runtime:152 mins
#MonsoonShootout(Hindi) Rating: * * * ? A thought provoking high concept rain drenched neo-noir thriller clearly influenced by Kieslowski’s 1981 film Blind Chance, this film explores the inner lives of those who have pivotal links with the Mumbai underworld. #AnuragKashyap and #AsifKapadia have produced this thought-provoking debut directorial effort which riffs off #ArdhSatya for it’s thematic issue that harbours around Idealism and integrity issues of a rookie cop forced to carry out an encounter with a supposedly deadly criminal. It’s a questioning effort that opens up the debate on encounter killings without taking sides. Impressively atmospheric debut effort #HardlyAnonymous #VijayVarma #NawazuddinSiddiqui #AbhishekThukralPR #NeerajKabi #GeetanjaliThapa #TanishthaChatterjee #AmitKumar Runtime: 92 mins
#Ferdinand(English/Animation/3D) Rating: * * * This anti-bullying themed child friendly animation adventure set in Spain is an Ian Southwood adaptation of the Robert Lawson and Munro Leaf authored 1936 short story ‘The Story Of Ferdinand’ about a pacifist bull. The film by Carlos #IceAge Saldanha uses the voice talent of wrestling superstar John Cena for greater popularity and it’s an audience pleasing effort though not authentic in Spanish accented drama. What’s pleasing though is the attempt to cut-to-size toxic masculinity while promoting gentleness and pacifism as opposed to violence and gory sport. #FoxAnimation #BlueSkyStudios #DavisEntertainment #Fox #JohnCena #KateMcKinnon #DavidTennant #GinaRodriguez #PeytonManning #BobbyCannavale #AnthonyAnderson #JerrodCarmichael #FlulaBorg #DaveedDiggs #JeremySisto #RaulEsparza #SallyPhillips #BorisKodjoe #GabrielIglesias #MiguelAngelSilvestre #CarlosSaldanha #RobertLBaird #TimFederle #BradCopeland #JohnDavis #LoriForte #BruceAnderson #ChrisWedge #RenatoFalcao #HarryHitner #FoxStarStudios Runtime: 107 mins
#HareKrishnaTheMantraTheMovementandTheSwamiWhoStartedItAll (English/Documentary) Rating: * * * An intriguing veneration of the patron saint of the Hare Krishna cult, this transcendental Experience documents Srila Prabhupada’s(Founder of ISKCON) late life influence on the world of spiritualism with enchanting rhythm and verve. It may not be an entirely objective representation but it’s engrossing nevertheless. #SrilaPrabhupada #BonnieMcElroy #MichaelGrant #AllenGinsburg #BoyGeorge #GratefulDead #GeorgeHarrisson #TheBeatles #ParamountStudios #JohnGriesser #JeanGriesser #AbramoramaRelease. #IHMedia #HemaUpadhyayPR Runtime: 90 mins