The Best is Yet to Come
The Best is Yet to Come
For every day that we develop the courage to go to our job and to be a responsible human being, it is a day closer we get to find our worth and true happiness. Sometimes we may not have a job that offers us everything that we are looking for, but it is better than not having one at all. You see one day while I was out for lunch from my job where I work as a bank manager, I came across an old Irish woman at the Italian market deli counter, there she said to me "young man for years I have been a customer with your bank, I have always admired the way you treat the customers." I was so encouraged by her compliment, I felt so good and appreciative, and thank her for her kind words.
Often, we do not realize the impact that we create on others and that someone that we meet is admiring our personality or may find us disgusting because of our bad attitude. So, I always follow what my aunt Estella said, “the best is yet to come if we make sacrifices.” So for years, I have been conscious of her words, despite my challenges I have never given up hope. But to keep trying to find the best that life can offer, and at the time be nice to the people I meet. Even though we may get to a low point in our lives and we feel like nothing good is happening around us, we need to keep putting our best foot forward. We may not find happiness right away, but if we keep trying we will one day.
Brian D. W. Johnson
"Live and just BELIEVE"