Be Best. Yeah, Right...
Photo by Theresa Scarbrough

Be Best. Yeah, Right...

While the First Lady runs around preaching "Be best" about youth bullying, her husband, whatshizname, has been noticed by the Schloss-Blog being imitated by grade-schoolers, middle-schoolers and even high-schoolers intimidating people of color and minorities in general. A handful have even tried to intimidate Trumpies.

They even use or are inspired by his words, investigations by the schools and media have shown.

Fun, huh? Be the first one on your block to have your kid sent home in a box built by white-nationalist, teenage bullies.

If you voted for Trump or dare vote for him again, or if you vote for a congressman or senator up for re-election who backs Trump, you are supporting racism. I'm not saying you are racist, but you are supporting it. And now there's proof. The Post found 300 cases reported across the country. Can you imagine how many weren't reported?

Meanwhile, anyone see the golfing display the Manning brothers put on in the AT&T (nee Bing Crosby) Desert Classic last weekend? Peyton is a '1' handicap, Eli a '10.' They both nailed extremely long putts on the same hole in impressive manner. Maybe when they get their respective inductions into the Hall of Fame, there should be a golf outing those weekends.

And speaking of cheating, who else thinks the Houston Astros and Boston Red Sox should not have their 2017 and 2018 respective World Series crowns vacated? I'll bet the Dodgers do. They lost to both of those cheating teams in those Series.

I'm not saying the Dodgers should be declared champions, not in the least. Besides, they wouldn't want to win that way. But to have been cheated against like that, there is no question those titles should be vacated. These were team-wide efforts, known to management and coaches, yet MLB slapped them with pocket-change fines considering how much money these organizations make and have on hand. And the players on those teams, no matter how many times they get traded or waived, will always be known as the cheaters they are.

This weekend, with the NBA All-Star Game in Chicago, Chicago has no all-stars on either roster. Sad for a once-great basketball town, with a legacy molded by Micheal Jordan.

You will see and hear memorial tributes to Kobe Bryant, and deservedly so, but I hope the NBA doesn't short-change David Stern, its late, great commissioner, a lawyer with a vision who put the right people in place to make the NBA the elite league that it is. Without him, there is no Kobe Bryant tribute. I had the pleasure of helping organize a Sports Marketing Conference a long time ago at which he agreed to be the keynote speaker. He could not have been more gracious, nor more informative and entertaining in his delivery. He is missed.

A special shout-out to Columbia College grad Nicole Ebat, here in this space and on my Radio Free Phoenix show Sunday night. Nicole, you are one of a kind.

And welcome back to Phoenix, Allison Rodriguez. You are back (ABC 15-CW61) where you belong.


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