The Best writing tip I have ever received
Waqar Ahmad
Freelance Content Writer | BCS (Hons) Graduate with 14+ Years of Creativity and Technical Expertise
As old as human civilization itself, writing continues to evolve with each passing time. To someone who has ever held a pen or tapped words on a keyboard, writing is a very personal and even transformative journey. Of all the myriad bits of advice and tips I have encountered in my years as a writer, the most impactful to me has been: "Write for yourself first." A mentor offered me this straightforward yet powerful piece of advice when I was young in my career. It looks paradoxical on the surface. Is it not the writer's job to focus on his readers, write accordingly to their liking and anticipation? Yet, of course, there is an aspect of knowing your audience. Writing for myself created the foundation for genuine and impactful work. It has completely altered my outlook about writing and nourished my creativity in many aspects.
Embracing Authenticity
When you write for yourself, you give yourself permission to be able to say things without fear of judgment or rejection. Authenticity is the building block of compelling writing. When a writer's words feel genuine, readers find themselves attracted to the narratives they read. The idea of writing for oneself doesn't mean avoiding the audience altogether; it is about ensuring the heart of the message comes from a place of truth.
For example, I once wrote a personal essay on a very challenging period in my life. I did not want to share it initially because I feared that it might be too raw or specific to resonate with others. I wrote it mainly for myself-to process my emotions and understand my journey. The response was overwhelming when I finally shared it. Readers from the most varied backgrounds connected with this universality from my experience; though the detail was uniquely mine, this told me again of the value for writing authentically.
Fostering Creativity and Originality
This allows one to write freely without fear of what the other will say. In this way, a person is freed from all kinds of external pressure and expectations, which may otherwise bound ideas, styles, and formats; therefore, a voice is able to be distinctly individual. Plus, it also gives comfort while taking risks-which is, actually one of the largest parts of growing as a writer.
I vividly recall the day when I wrote my first poem-a genre farthest from my content. Writing for myself was a liberating process. I could try structures and themes, and some would fail, while others blossomed into works with which I am proud to this day. The process made me rich in terms of my creative experiences and gave me an added appreciation for expression as an art.
Inspire Confidence
Writing mainly for self-fulfillment is one of the significant boosts to one's self-confidence. This reduces attention from extrinsic approval towards intrinsic fulfillment. Instead of getting busy with either accolades or criticisms that you may receive concerning your work, you can get busy creating material that means a lot to you. This outlook breeds resilience as you will learn to live through the inevitable ebbs and flows of a writer's life.
The most important thing I had to overcome initially was self-doubt-whether my work was good enough. The principle of writing for self-helped me master this struggle. Gradually, I learned to value the process of creating and not focus on the output. This internal acceptance became the foundation of my confidence over time.
Connecting with the Audience
Ironically, that is where most writers find a more significant connection to an audience. One writes for self-first, with passion and the authenticity of that passion, for the work ends up carrying its own emotional strength that transcends boundaries. Most readers connect easily with stories or ideas that touch their hearts in a genuine sense.
A great example of this dynamic comes through the realm of fictional writing. A few of the novels that people love started as very self-centered projects, with no expectation of any kind of fame or recognition, and yet the work sparked a fire in readers everywhere because they were executed purely from the author's passion and perspective.
Practical Applications
This is a very simple yet transforming tip to use in your writing practice. When you start working on a new project, begin by asking yourself what you want to say and why it matters to you. Let
yourself write freely, worrying little about grammar, structure, or audience reception. This is your space for exploration and experimentation.
This balance allows for authentic and accessible work to be developed through a two-step process of first writing for yourself and then working to make the work accessible to the audience by editing and polishing your draft in light of the reader's needs, bringing it into clearness, coherence, and engagement.
Write for yourself first." This writing tip has always stayed with me and has impacted my approach to the craft significantly. It taught me the importance of authenticity, fostered my creativity, and built my confidence. Most importantly, it made me connect deeper with readers and proved that personal stories are always the most universally appealing.
This is the guidance one needs in a world where writing becomes an act performed at times: to write for oneself first and to put sincerity and passion into it so that it works not only for you but for your audience also. It's probably the one timeless principle applied by almost any writer regardless of their experience or genre.