The Best Way To Workout And Eat For Your Body Type

The Best Way To Workout And Eat For Your Body Type

Have you tried different workouts?

#hiit , #weightlifting, #running on the treadmill….

Also different #diets?

If you are having a hard time reaching your goals while doing all this, I can understand your frustration! But, chances are you are not training and eating right for your #body type!

Every woman’s body responds differently to diet and exercise!

We all know that and yet we follow random workouts online or someone else’s routine!

The first thing to understand is that there are 3 main body types :

Endomorph, Mesomorph and Ectomorph

Kapha, Pitta and Vata in #ayurvedic terms referred to as the 3 doshas

Endomorphs :

These body types tend to hold more fat in the belly and lower body (hips, thighs and love handles)

The metabolism is slower and the bone structure is naturally wider than other body types. #Endomorphs find it hard to lose fat and weight especially in the lower body but this does not mean it is impossible. They also tend to gain strength and muscle quickly

How to train?

  1. Endomorphs need to engage in more cardio: Cardio is crucial for endomorphs because it is the best way to burn fat and calories.

Longer sessions of low to moderate intensity workouts- Examples are brisk walking, light jogging, swimming, etc. This helps increase fat burn in the body as the muscles use fat as fuel rather than carbs. This helps build cardiorespiratory health and improve stamina.

HIIT training: Endomorphs should engage in 2-3 HIIT cardio sessions a week in order to boost fat burn and increase calorie burn post workout. It is to be noted that too many HIIT sessions without appropriate recovery can lead to overtraining and injury. Doing HIIT also depends on goals and fitness levels. HIIT can be great for fat loss(especially for endomorphs) if done properly.

2. Weight Training: Building muscle is essential for any body type. However, the amount of muscle and the type of training depend on your goals.

Muscle building can be great. But if you are someone who does not want to build a lot of muscle (in size) and wants a leaner frame, then a lot of heavy weights and squats and lunges is not what you want to do. Focus on doing bodyweight or light weight resistance training that helps get muscle definition and at the same time uses fat as fuel resulting in fat loss.

3. Endomorphs also have the tendency to build muscle and hence if you are someone who wants to have thick muscle(muscular legs and arms) then weight training (in the lower rep range with heavy weights) is necessary.

4. Pilates inspired and Yoga inspired workouts: These workouts will help boost metabolism, improve flexibility and build strength. Power packed yoga and Pilates sessions greatly benefit endomorphs

5. Focus on more full body compound movements initially to promote fat loss. Isolation exercises may help you build strength and make you look bigger. If a muscular build is not your goal and you want a leaner then you may want to follow this.

To summarize, for general fat loss, endomorphs benefit from doing more cardio to stimulate fat loss(Cardio is crucial) while mixing in few sessions of HIIT and strength training.

  • 2 Strength Training Sessions a week followed by steady state cardio
  • 2-3 HIIT sessions a week
  • Brisk walking/light jogging 6 days a week
  • Focus on doing more full body workouts in the beginning rather than isolation exercises

In order to get lean and toned without being bulky, endomorphs should avoid certain exercises like heavy leg days and leg intensive exercises.

How to Eat?

With a slow metabolism, endomorphs cannot get away with eating too many carbs. They need to control their carb intake and focus on getting in enough proteins, fibres and fats. 20-25% carbs, 40-45% fats and the rest protein. Sources of carbs should mainly be fibrous fruits and veggies rather than starch.


Those with #mesomorph body types tend to have more athletic or muscular builds. They are naturally “thicker”, have broad shoulders, narrow waists, and medium height. Many mesomorphs are used to their weights fluctuating due to their ability to gain muscle, lose weight, and then gain it again without much effort. When it comes to working out, building lean muscle is no problem for Mesomorphs and can often go a couple of days or even weeks and still retain some muscle mass. The tricky part is maintaining the weight.

How to Train?

Mesomorphs’ body composition (ratio of fat to muscle) can change frequently so if you want to stay lean and mean, you’ll need to do a mixture of strength training and Cardio.

Note that mesomorphs can build muscle fairly quickly. So if you are someone who does not want bulky muscle then as a mesomorph you should avoid certain exercises.

Here are some tips on how you should train.

  • Try circuit training Circuit training using body weight and/or weights is a great way to get your muscles and heart working together for better overall results. Mixing in 1-2 HIIT sessions can be beneficial for fat loss or maintenance
  • If you’re keen to build muscle and definition, prioritize strength training in the 8-12 rep range and lifting heavy. Women can get bulky lifting weights. So if you are someone who does not want big muscle but wants a smaller frame, then I would recommend avoiding heavy weightlifting, heavy leg days as this can result in increase in muscle size giving the (relatively) bulky look.

Check how to train without getting bulky!

  • Add some moderate-intensity steady state cardio into your routine (30-60 minutes) - Moderate intensity cardio (around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate) is a great way to break down and use fat as fuel and help maintain a healthy body composition. You can perform cardio at the end of your strength training workouts for fat loss.

How To Eat?

The “macronutrient split” for mesomorphs should be around 30/30/40 fat to carbs to protein. Since mesomorphs can be prone to weight gain, it’s best to limit the amount of sugary or fatty foods and instead, swap them for filling lean proteins that can help keep your body strong and toned.


#Ectomorph body types generally have a small build, long limbs, thin shoulders, flat chest, small joints, and very lean muscle mass. They typically find it very difficult to gain weight and muscle no matter what they eat. They thrive on carbs, and naturally, have low body fat. Due to their fast metabolisms, they have to (and often do) eat large amounts of food without putting on extra body weight.

How to Train

Muscle growth is slow and steady! Hard work, consistency and some well-deserved rest days are necessary to maximize muscle growth and maintain body weight.

  • Limit long-distance cardiovascular exercise Cardio is a great form of exercise for a variety of reasons; but unfortunately, for Ectomorphs it could result in weight loss and an even more slender physique. If you simply can’t live without your cardio workouts, do no more than 2 low intensity cardio sessions (20 minutes) in a week.
  • Hit the weights Strength training is not only great for your health, it’s also a fantastic way to build muscle and add some lovely curves and tone to your figure. Compound moves like squats, Romanian deadlifts, hip thrusts, lunges, push-ups and pull-ups are all great exercises to hit multiple muscle groups at the same time.

How To Eat?

An Ectomorph’s metabolic rate is through the roof making it difficult to overeat! One should aim to eat 5-7 small meals a day. Carbohydrate intake should make up 40-50% of your daily meals, with 30-35% percent protein, and 20-25% fat. Avoid added sugars and stick to nutritious carbs such as quinoa, whole grains, fruits, vegetables like sweet potatoes, beans and legumes.

Bottom Line: You cannot workout or eat like somebody else and see the results you want!

Understanding your body is the first step in your fitness journey!

So what body type are you?


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