Best way to succeed, find a mentor
Jean Marie Beyinda
Designer UI/UX et Développeur Front-End | Graphic Designer | Flutter Dev | NextJS Dev | Marketing Expert | YouTuber | Developer | Writer | Teacher
Well to be fair there are many ways you can succeed, and I could list a good number of them, but that will just take a lot of time, rather I want to focus on one method a lot of people use which isn’t talked enough on and that is to have a mentor.
If you’re looking for success on easy mode, there is really no better way, and basically it means piggybacking over somebody else’s success.
So let’s imagine you want to start a business, let’s say you want to open a store. It might be easy for you to just go ahead and read books and do some research on how you can start a store and how to make it successful so you might go around and finding out the different information you need, come up with the budget and figure out the things you basically have to do.
Once you’ve collected all this information you put it all together and do an evaluation before getting started and that will probably take you a lot of time and resources to do that, you’ll be very confident and hopeful because you’re putting your trust in yourself and your abilities and there are just so many resources which encourage and motivate you to do so but still, success isn’t just a factor of the work you put in and the faith in yourself even though these aren’t negligible, but they aren’t all it takes.
Sometimes there are independent factors which play a vital role in the overall success, and I can’t overemphasize the importance of experience in our success the difference between a beginner who is starting a store and an experienced person starting a store is so wide. One way you can guarantee success at least to 90% is by putting your faith and hope on an experience which has already made its proofs and that experience comes from a mentor.
The importance of having a mentor in all the major endeavors you want to take is comparable to having a parent. Your parent is that person who taught you a lot of what you know today and is responsible at least for 90% of your success. There is no denying the relationship between a good upbringing and success, in the same way a mentor will guide you and ensure that you succeed.
Finding a mentor
Of course people understand they need mentors, sometimes what gets in the way is our ego, when we feel like we can do it ourselves and also the difficulties of finding that mentor. The way you find a mentor is through humility, admitting first that you need one is the first step to finding one, there is definitely no shortage of people all around us doing the things we seek and admire, there is no shortage of people who could provide us with valuable insight. The only thing standing in the way of that is your ego and lack of humility, the fact that you won’t even admit to yourself that you need help.
Once you become humble enough to realize you need help, the next step is approaching these persons and asking for that help.
Are you trying to be a good businessman? There are businessmen all around you.
Find a mentor and get to work, their services of mentorship might be free but don’t assume that, be ready to invest what it takes for you to achieve your objectives. The value you will get from them will be worth more than any amount you are willing to pay them right now. Good luck with that.
Thanks for reading ??