The Best Way to Start is to Start (Your Year of Improved Health)
Happy New Year! I am so excited about the year to come, and I truly savior this time to reflect on the past year and set new goals for the upcoming year.
One of the goals I’m hearing more and more is for people to start eating healthier in order to feel more energy and have more productivity.
How do you start? You just start. Don’t get caught up in doing too much planning, reserach, or anything else that will allow you to procrastinate. Start now.
I suggest breakfast as the place to start your new year of feeling healthier and more energetic.
Why Breakfast is Important
Breakfast literally means “break the fast”. To fast is to go without food for more than eight hours. Our bodies do this every night, so it is important to fuel up the body in the morning before you set off for your busy day. If we don’t eat breakfast, we might start to feel sluggish or even get the “shakes”. Here are some top reasons to eat breakfast:
- Breakfast can help you focus on your work and remember things. This means better performance at school (for kids) and work (for adults). Meals in the morning can help to put you in a happier mood, too!
- Breakfast gives your body the energy and nutrients needed after not eating since before bed. If you skip breakfast, you might not be getting the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that you need.
- Breakfast starts your metabolism which will help to maintain a healthy weight. Getting into a meal routine helps to keep your appetite under control. Breakfast eaters are less likely to overeat at other meals or snacks.
What Makes Up a Healthy Breakfast?
Breakfast should be made up of the following key components—I’ve listed them in the order of importance:
- A protein source. Protein provides the building blocks of our bodies. Without protein, we can’t sustain strong bodies. Always remember your protein!
- A fruit or vegetable. We need to get five (5) servings of fruits and vegetables every day, so we need to get started right in the morning! Fruits and vegetables provide so many great nutrients (and are so delicious), we shouldn’t miss out.
- Whole grains. Notice the word “whole”. This does not mean a white bagel or toast before you run out the door. You are likely to be out of energy and really hungry in an hour or two! Whole grains include all parts of the grain and are minimally processed, so your body will take its time converting them to energy. Some guidelines tell us that half of our grains should be whole, but I think the more the better! Whole grains include oatmeal, barley, quinoa, millet, brown rice, bulgur and many others.
A healthy fat (like good oils, nuts, or even avocado) are great to include in preparing or garnishing your breakfast. Fats take a while to digest, so they keep you full. Fats have all kinds of good things in them like Omega 3s (the great fatty acids) that help to build a healthy brain! A nice trick (less ordinary that adding some olive oil, nut butters, nuts, seeds, etc.) is to sprinkle some ground flax seeds on anything you prepare. (Note: store ground flax seeds in the freezer as they are particularly sensitive to becoming rancid).
Breakfast “Menu” Ideas
How do you take the above components and make a great breakfast happen at your own home? Here are 10 tested ideas using the above components for a yummy, healthy and sustaining breakfast:
- Hard-boiled egg, buttered whole grain toast (butter and sprinkle with ground flax seed) and a pear
- Oatmeal with cherries and raisins, honey and almonds
- Brown rice with avocado and pepper with an egg on top –try this sprinkled with ground flaxseed
- Barley with yogurt mixed with raisins, pineapple and walnuts
- Steel cut oats with nut butter (thin with milk) stirred in; add a little honey for sweetness. Mix in or have apple slices on the side.
- Homemade pancakes/ waffles (I use a recipe we call “protein pancakes” that uses eggs, ricotta cheese and whole grain flour). Serve grapes on the side.
- Scrambled eggs with roasted butternut squash pieces (from leftovers) and cheese
- Nitrate free turkey rolls, cheese slices, Triscuits and apples (my daughter’s “go-to” when we are running late)
- Nut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain bread with apple slices (my son’s “go-to” when we are running late)
- Whole grain tortilla with nut butter, banana and raisins
Get Creative! These are just some examples to get you started. Use protein sources, fruits (or vegetables), whole grain sources and seasonings that YOUR family enjoys!
How to Fit a Great Breakfast into Your Busy Schedule
- Make it available by putting healthy choices in your refrigerator and on your shelves.
- Plan ahead by using the night before to set dishes out, cut up fruits and vegetables, etc. Kids will be more likely to enjoy breakfast if they are contributing to the planning and preparation! At a recent cooking class I taught, we made oatmeal using a slow cooker overnight, so it was hot and ready in the morning.
- Make it easy by making your own grab-and-go breakfast for the days that you have little time to sit down to eat breakfast! You can pre-pack your healthy breakfast into small containers and freeze or refrigerate them.
Do you need some extra help meeting your New Year health goals? I am a Certified Nutritional Counselor and have helped tens of thousands of people to improve their nutrition and health. I have opened up some new slots for coaching in 2017. Grab your appointment now; you won’t be disappointed. Having worked as top-level management consultant for nearly a decade, I know how to drive value and provide results.
The most important thing—have fun! And don’t forget to eat breakfast!
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