The best way to predict your future is to create it!
Carol Ellen
Senior Recruiter, Global Talent Acquisition, Electronic Arts| Former Sony Music and Caldwell Partners
I have read this line so many times. In fact I have highlighted it over and over and over again. I don't typically post quotes here, reserving that for my Insta, mscarolellen if you are so inclined. However, this truly resonates with me now and forever more and I think may for others: The best way to predict your future is to create it!
Often I interact with AMAZING, SMART, SUCCESSFUL, FUN people who wonder why they are 'out' of a role. The language shared with them during these pivot points include: 'downsized, rightsized, reorged, redundant, outsourced, ...'. Having gone through this a few times I know that any way it's packaged (pun intended) it's incredibly sobering and yet......
We know ... intuitively, that we need to CREATE our future. Take the course, say yes to the networking event, join that business, set up that etsy/shopify site, get certified, diversity for your LIFE portfolio.
I think @abrahamlincoln may have been onto something, just saying!!!!
Happy Friday Everyone.....