Best way to predict the future
Arda Kukul
General Manager at ARKLON Corporation, Executive Chairman at Foundation ON: Providing personal tutoring and consultancy in Turkish, English and Russian for students and parents on performance, planning & time management.
The prepared mind creates its own luck, and builds its own vision towards predicting the future.
It doesn’t always predict perfectly, though. International Relations “experts” cannot predict the start and outcome of wars, they cannot highlight the hidden structures, and they cannot fully explain what will happen.
The reason is, they are only spectators.
Nikola Tesla, in the beginning of the 1900s, while mentioning that people would use electronic gadgets carried in their pockets, was not guessing.
He had two things:
A prepared mind.?
A skin in the game.
He not only knew the field theoretically. He was also playing with it everyday. He was thinking about it, experimenting with it, and innovating it.?
Combining practice and theory is key for the accuracy of predictions.
People who are building the future will seem much more accurate in predicting the future, because this is actually what they do. Constantly. In their minds. In their labs. In their offices.
Whenever you want to predict, be the part and the creator of the thing you want to predict.
Players can always predict the ball’s path better than the spectators.
You have the option to be the spectator and predict. This is not much different than guessing.
You have the option to play and predict.?
This is the accurate one.