The best way to lose weight.
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
The healthy way to loss weight is to change your diet by exercising. Just walk 30 mins. a day everyday and after 30 plus days do it twice a day.?
Then eat for breakfast hot cereal 3 times a week, cold cereal 2 times and eggs twice a week. Only add bananas to your cereal make sure that your cereal is low in calories. No sugar cereal, one slice of whole wheat toast small slice bread and a glass of fat free milk!?
For lunch have your heaviest meal one of these items sample; beans, rice and vegetables, salmon with a dark green salad and brown rice, or low calorie pasta dish. Always drinking a glass of water with each meal and 2 to 3 glasses during the day.?
For dinner have a one of these items big salad, fruits or vegetables dish, bake potato with butter, vegetables or other low calorie toppings.?
Evening snack one of these items fruit, vegetables, popcorn made in a popper with olive oil, without any butter or salt popped.
Once a week you can have a treat; one of these items a few spoons of vanilla ice cream, grahams crackers low calories or a mix fresh fruit bowl.?
Once you have trained yourself to eating healthier foods then you can create other items to add into your meals.
If you drink only water and eat a variety of vegetables you will keep you body operating at it best! Very good for you Beets, greens, pomegranate, black cherry juice, dried cranberries, salmon salad, dried prunes and raisons. Make your own trail mix.