The Best Version Of Yourself
There are so many examples of the extent people go in an effort to fit in or gain acceptance. We go to great lengths to receive confirmation that what and who we are matter. The unfortunate aspect is when someone realizes that whatever they are doing is not working (to them), They do not gain the gold key into the circle of influence or may feel like they are on the outside looking in. We ask "What is Wrong With Me?" What is it about my look, personality, or upbringing that seems to be off key? Why does it seem so difficult for some to easily gain acceptance and seemingly so difficult for others? All of all have some aspect of our lives where we may feel inferior. This fact bothers some to no end while others accept it and focus more on what they are better at handling. My encouragement is to examine who you are from the lens of what is lined up correctly rather beating yourself up for where you may fall short.
Everyone is going thru something that affects their self- confidence. Be a ray of inspiration to get them over the hump.
Everyone is looking for some sense of belonging and acceptance. Cut them some slack and invite them in.
You may be sad or in a period of regret over something. This is no excuse to take it out on someone else.
Look at those around you that may be to themselves. While it may be easy for you to initiate conversation, they may not have that same confidence. Be a welcoming spirit to them.
Something may have taken your confidence. Let it go and use the experience to allow you to grow thru it.
All of us have a level of influence. Some look up to us while there are those whom we admire. It is okay to want to improve yourself and make your situation more desirable. However, comparing yourself to someone else is not the best approach towards sustainable growth. Yes, mirror the positive habits and learn how they did it. But, stop trying to be like others especially when you do not know the full story of what they really are going thru. Smiles cover a lot of pain, just like social media makes things seem better than they are in reality. Accept who you are and learn to like and respect yourself. It is not the number of likes, shares, or comments that really matter. What matters is the example we set and the ability to be cool with ourselves. Yes, there are areas where we may not be completely satisfied. We always seem to be so hard on ourselves when we fall short or something does not turn out in our favor. Yes, someone may say something, but I have discovered their motivation for doing so is to take the spotlight off of their defects. This speaks more to them than it does to you.
We are wired to desire acceptance. This comes in different forms. The mantra for today is to accept you for who you are and stop worrying about someone else confirming what you already know. You do matter and your presence is a positive addition. People may not always comment on what they are thinking yet they are watching and learning from you.
Be The Best Version of You! Good things will follow
Author-Sales Leadership, Empowering Companies to Maximize their Selling Efforts l Director of ECU Twilley Sales Academy l Adjunct Professor l North Carolina Sales Institute Co-Founder I Keynote Speaker
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