Be the best version of you
I often wonder what makes people stand out from the crowd. Is it their genuineness, the fact that they are emotionally intune with the world around them? Maybe it’s the fact that they serve others with humility?or are just plainly said: good at what they do. Maybe it’s the combination of all of these?
Regardless of approach we?have all been handed a deck of cards and how we play them is all up to us. I have found that being the best you can be, being polite to all is a better approach. This approach keeps?my emotions and thoughts in check and keeps me sane without maximizing my efforts into situations that might not bear fruit.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying don’t get out of your comfort zone. Neither am I saying don’t work hard or put in the effort .?What I am saying is that synthetic manipulation might only last that long. Somewhere along the lines when life catches you off guard, manipulation will become the master you serve.?People might not know it , but as you move along genuine care will shine through.
Read more on my personal website : Food for thought