Best version of self
Aquib Hussain Nezami
Assistant Manager HRBP at Bigbasket | | Business Partner | 24K+ Connection
Once upon a time, there lived a pet dog named Cody. He was not happy with his life. As he was relaxing in the garden, he saw a cat on the top of the wall. Cody thought, “I wish I could climb those high walls like that cat!” This feeling annoyed Cody very much. When his master came to give him milk, he did not even wag his tail. Then Cody went to the goldfish which was in the pond. “I wish I could live in cool water,” thought Cody to himself. “I wish I could roll on the warm and soft grass like you,” said the goldfish After some time, Cody spotted a sparrow sitting on a branch. “I wish I could fly like you. I envy you,” said Cody. “I wish I could play all day long like you and did not have to build the nest for myself, tire my wings, and search for food,” cried the sparrow. As Cody was walking, he met a donkey carrying the load. The donkey said, “You are so lucky! You don’t have to carry a heavy load like me!” “Yes, I even have to wake up the owner early in the morning,” said the unhappy rooster. Just then, a sad sheep approached them and said, “You people don’t know what I go through!” Listening to them, the dog realized its folly for not appreciating what it had. When the dog heard his friend’s problems, he thought, “I guess no one is happy with what they have! So, from now on, I will enjoy being myself!” Since that day, Cody started enjoying his life without worrying about anything.
Reflection by : Dr Anjana
Reflect in life & am sure we will always find the grass is greener on the other side, especially in the social media times where we believe faking is the best thing to do but what we forget is we r cheating ourselves not anyone else. The Irony of life is we very easily let compliments mess our head or criticism mess our heart. Being ourselves in a world that is constantly trying to make us something else is the greatest accomplishment we can be proud of?because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. The starting point of building our self-esteem is for you to have a clear sense of who you are & what you want Remember one of the best ways to be self-loving is to give ourselves the love we are often dreaming about receiving from others & if you want to see the love of your life, look in the mirror. Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your handbrake on Lets go ahead in life & appreciate what we have & who we are because Self-esteem begins with self understanding that's awareness, grows with courage & perseverance, & ends with confidence. How do you read this story
1. Have you ever been a Cody in life??
2. What has that Cody got you to do to your life?