Best Value Training in Australia
The most affordable Procurement & Contract Management Training in Australia

Best Value Training in Australia

SHOP for training value

Having delivered hundreds of training courses to councils around Australia, we have learnt a thing or two ourselves about the needs of the sector. We believe there is an affordable delivery model that is both practical and meaningful to participants and the organisation. It is through consistent best practice, showcased with practical examples, interactive tasks and quizzes that we are defining how training will be delivered in 2023 and beyond. Why pay $500+ for 1 attendee at a single training session, when you can train everyone for a fraction of the price!?!

We are proud to make this commitment to the sector, please enquire today CLICK HERE

Taking Registrations Now

  • Pay once for everyone in your organisation to be trained in all courses
  • $10,000 per year, that's it, no more to pay!
  • Conveniently delivered on-line, LIVE weekly
  • Delivered by Michael Robinson - trusted Local Government Expert for over 10 years
  • Interactives quizzes and activities
  • Book and attend any session, any time, EVERY time!
  • We will beat any quoted rate by 10%

Half Day Courses

  • Purchasing Essentials
  • Contract Management Essentials
  • Tender Planning
  • Scope & Specifications
  • Evaluation Planning
  • Probity and Risk


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