Best of two worlds: being a mom and a professional today
By Alina Marquéz, Customer Experience at Coderio.
It is three in the afternoon, and I am working in front of the computer. Next to me, in a stroller, a one-and-a-half-year-old baby sleeps peacefully. If I had been told two years ago that this scenario was possible, I would not have believed them.
?Today it is a common occurrence, but not long ago, developing professionally from the comfort of your home was a dirty word. Even today, mothering and working seem like opposite paths for some companies.
However, with the certainty that with effort and commitment, dreams come true, I embarked on the beautiful adventure of being a mother at the beginning of 2020.
Cut the loop
It was a pre-pandemic world, and I had been living in a city far from my family and friends. I had a 9-to-5 office job from Monday to Friday. As the days passed, the routine overwhelmed me, and I felt trapped in a daily loop. Something was missing. I could not imagine my whole life like this, always the same.
I was uncomfortable with my life back then, so I had to rethink many things. After making up my mind and listening to my heart, I found myself in a fertility clinic starting a treatment to become a mother.
Was it easy? No. Was it simple? No. But there is no doubt that it was with?love and conviction?that this new path would lead me to achieve many things I had wanted for a long time.
Surf the wave
The scenario did not accompany much: the beginning of a pandemic, a labor crisis, and a whole future full of uncertainty. Who would have thought it possible to conceive, move and change jobs in this context? Well, I didn't analyze it much; I just did it. I was convinced that I would be able to adapt my work to the new life that would soon arrive.
At first, I enjoyed the first months of pregnancy while starting my professional goals from scratch in a new city, this time close to my family but without a future job in view.
I began to move, to look for contacts, to coordinate meetings to explain what I was able to offer as a professional, and see if I could start working. For a short time, I got a job as a consultant that allowed me to manage my time and work from home, but the salary was not enough, so I had to find another job.
Give up? Never!
Meanwhile, with a large belly and going through a happy pregnancy, I kept looking for an opportunity that would allow me to prioritize my family. This chance materialized in a company with a culture very different from the corporations I was used to.
My 8-month-old belly and I were welcomed by a great work team. Somehow I had some flexibility to mother and work. But, still, this company maintained that new hybrid work modality that combined in-office and remote work. I kept dreaming about the perfect job: 100% remote work. So I continued searching and searching because that is what it is all about.?
Finally, the opportunity I had been waiting for arrived. There was this software development company, Coderio, looking for staff. Among its?most outstanding benefits, it offered?full remote mode, flexible hours, days off, and three weeks of vacation for the entire team, regardless of hierarchy or position. It seemed like a dream.?
Of course, I applied and went through the hiring process. So here I am. I have the flexibility to mother and work. I am living the life I had imagined so long ago. But now, it has become a reality.
Today I can
Today I can put my son's upbringing first, accompany him in his first steps and, at the same time, work comfortably from home, close to my family and friends.
Today I can manage my time much better. Also, there is a balance between my personal and professional life. In short, my quality of life has improved.
Today I am part of a beautiful work culture and a great work environment in a company that understands us.
Today, based on my experience, I can affirm that if we work hard, have faith in our capacities, and follow our hearts, opportunities will appear. It is just a matter of trust.
By Alina Marquéz, Customer Experience at Coderio.
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Excelente artículo, Alina!! Felicitaciones ??