Best Tips for Winter Car Care

Best Tips for Winter Car Care

Winter is a tough time for cars. Cold temperatures, snow, ice, and salt all put the delicate machinery of your vehicle under pressure. That’s why taking care of your car in the winter months is essential. Here are some tips to help you through this season:

-Wipe the dust off your car. You’ll need to do this before you start driving because the road salt and other debris might scratch your paint job.

-Get a new set of tires if necessary. Tire tread is important in any season, but especially so during winter weather when you want as much traction as possible in case of an emergency stop or slippery conditions on the road surface.

-Check your battery. If it’s over three years old, consider getting a new one. Winter weather is hard on batteries, and you don’t want yours to die in the middle of a snowstorm.

-Check your antifreeze levels regularly. If you live in an area where temperatures drop below freezing for extended periods of time, make sure that your coolant is at the proper strength level.

-Check your windshield wipers. If they’re streaking or leaving behind streaks of ice, it’s time for new ones.

-Check your tire pressure. If you haven’t had them checked in a while, take your vehicle to the shop and have them fill it up with air.

-Get an alignment check-up. When the temperature drops, so do the amount of traction that your tires have on the road. This means that they lose their ability to hold onto the pavement as well as they do when it’s warmer outside.

-Check your battery. If it’s not working properly, you may experience issues with starting your car or have trouble with the lights and other electrical components.

-Have an oil change done. It’s important to do this regularly anyway (every 3,000 miles), but especially so before winter sets in because cold temperatures can cause oil to thicken more quickly than normal.

-Make sure your tires are in good condition. If they’re worn down or cracked, they won’t be able to grip the road as well and could cause you to lose control of your vehicle.

As you have read this blog, we hope you have now gained some knowledge and a few ideas on what to do during the winter period to keep your car running smoothly and safely. If this can help you, please feel free to contact us for more information or visit us at?? can also check other blogs on our website that will surely help you out.


