These are the questions we put to outgoing Councillor Claire Udy, who while elected as a Labour candidate in 2018, served her team as an independent.
- Introduce yourself, who you represent, what got you into politics
- You’re standing down this election. What’s motivated that?
- With Labour, Lib Dems, Conservatives and Portsmouth Independents Party standing in Charles Dickens, which candidate or party would you endorse (or vote for yourself)??
- In your four years as a?counsellor what one result or change are you most proud of ?
- Working with Jeannette Smith as the Progressive Portsmouth People Group you’ve had some victories in policy and budget decisions with the minority Lib Dem administration courting your votes. Portsmouth Independents Party are standing in several wards, including Charles Dickens. What do you think this means for politics in Portsmouth?
- There are too few women councillors on PCC, why do you think this is, and how can all the parties address diversity and representation in sitting councillors??
- Which of the candidates in CD is elected, they’ll be a first time councillor. What advice would you give to them?
- What are your future plans now you won’t have 11 hour long Tuesday meetings to worry about??
- What’s the best part of being a councillor / which part of being a councillor will you miss the most??