The Best Time to Buy or Sell a House
Buyers and sellers are trying to decide when to make a move right now like they are playing the game Red Light, Green Light. It's a constant boomerang of stop-and-go. Between sways in interest rates, inventory, and the economy with little confidence about when the right time is. There is one way to know for certain and that depends on the individual buyer or seller.
The best time to buy or sell a house is when it’s your best time. There is a list of tasks to be checked off regardless of what side of the table you sit on. Waiting to take advantage of the market du jour will result in missing it. It takes work to buy or sell a home and anything that takes effort generally takes time.
The Best Time to Buy or Sell a House is when it’s the right time
Time is often a luxury. Between working, family, and that thing called life, there is little free time to build into a day. This is why people start preparing for the holidays in November, or if you are my mother – even earlier. The lack of time is why people start to plan vacations, a year in advance. The goal is to be done before the events begin.
There are a lot of little steps to reach any goal, which includes selling or buying a home. Just like the holidays, the process is not all fun. Some steps take longer than others and no one typically smiles through all of it. The goal is to be done on time, whether on December 25th or your closing date.
Start planning a real estate move as soon as you catch the bug. It’s kind of like the holiday spirit, but you can catch it any time of the year.
What’s the best time to buy a house??What’s the best time to sell a house??
The best time to buy or sell a house is when you have time.
For those who wished they refinanced, sold during the frenzy, or feel like they missed the market, in the end, there was indeed a reason. None of us have crystal balls or magic wands, there was a reason why you didn’t make a move. Honor that. It wasn’t the right time for you, so leave it with the Festivus grievance pole next year.
Want to make a move in 2023? Go ahead, and start planning as soon as you catch that moving bug.
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