This is the best technique I’ve ever used to scale my business

This is the best technique I’ve ever used to scale my business

My #1 business strategy is partnering with my brain. A close second, is partnering with my nervous system.

Yup…it’s not a SWOT Analysis, 7-S, Balanced Scorecard, SMART goals, OKR’s, Porter’s Five Forces, PESTLE Analysis, VRIO Framework… oh my gosh!!!

I have learned and applied all of these and more in my lifetime of leading teams and organizations. I have studied these in certifications, courses, diploma programs, university biz school programs, executive meetings and retreats with top business consultants.

And?none of these even come close to increasing my effectiveness as a leader and business entrepreneur?to partnering with my brain as a key business strategy.

Hear me out…

When I spend time in deep reflection weekly and evaluate my thoughts, feelings and actions, I get immediately aligned to my purpose and leapfrog to my success.

I can spend oodles of time (try 29 years working within organizations in various industries and professions) developing strategies, initiatives, performance plans…blah, blah, blah…but none of it matters if my thoughts are saying no F’ing way, or my body is tight, constricted and closed off, and my actions are not showing up in my purpose, values and power.

Why bother, right???

So take notice of your thoughts, feelings and actions and understand how you brain responds when you are feeling completely aligned to your purpose and when you are disassociated.

Check out my helpful guide to partner with your brain:

Your brain is in...

...Fight ??

  • Your thoughts…
  • Angry
  • Terrified
  • Blow Up
  • Your feelings (in your body)...
  • Racing heart
  • Adrenaline increased
  • Instant attack
  • Your actions…
  • Pick fights
  • Yell
  • Try to control others
  • Slam things

...Flight ??

  • Your thoughts...
  • Anxious
  • Worry
  • Avoidant
  • Over-thinking
  • Your feelings (in your body)...
  • Intense sensations
  • Numbness
  • Your actions...
  • Ghosting
  • Leave
  • Avoid conflict
  • Withdrawal

...Freeze ??

  • Your thoughts...
  • Shut down
  • Dissociated
  • Zoned out
  • Spacey
  • Your feelings (in your body)...
  • Not connected to your body
  • Feels nothing
  • Your actions...
  • Brain fog
  • Struggle with decision-making
  • Couch potato
  • Lack motivation

...Fawn ??

  • Your thoughts...
  • Apathy
  • Overwhelm
  • Co-dependent patterns
  • Your feelings (in your body)...
  • Anxiety
  • Intense sensations
  • Your actions...
  • Disconnect from own needs
  • Lack of self
  • No boundaries

Follow these recommendations on where you can go with this guide:

  1. Watch the?video?(replay from a previous series) I have included that talks about partnering with the brain. I share some brain science to help you understand how our brain works. This probably wasn’t taught to you in school, unless you pursued a medical, psychology or sociology background, and we are only starting to understand how neuroscience impacts how we interact, lead and work effectively.
  2. Notice how your brain works?or how you typically act when your brain is responding to any one of those reactions or response modes above. Start to understand when and/or what circumstances trigger these thoughts, feelings and actions. You don’t need to be judgmental or evaluate how you brain responds…only begin to notice these responses.
  3. Get curious?and start to identify if there is something you would like to shift. More specifically, are there responses from your brain that are serving you or not serving you when you are working on your business projects, relationships, etc.
  4. Be playful?in setting commitments or intentions. Try to avoid saying things like…”I need to be less angry when I talk to my staff.” While that might be true…you could end up being very judgemental on yourself and as a result still end up expressing anger to your team or yourself.

Instead, a possible intention could be, “I will set aside time each week to reflect on my thoughts, feelings and actions and discern what has been useful or serving me well…and what hasn’t.”

This new intention is a gentle approach and can send a positive message to your brain that you’re OKAY, nothing is wrong and you are doing your best work.

Reflect on these question:

  1. How can you partner with your brain best?
  2. How can you honour your own strength and resilience?
  3. How can you LOVE your brain?

Try a few mindfulness practices and tools that can help you partner with your brain more:

This is a chart providing mindfulness practices to alleviate flight, fight or freeze sensations

Drop me a reply to let me know your learnings and what’s one thing you’ll commit to trying to DO LESS and IMPACT MORE in 2022!!!



Hi I'm Brenda. I am a life and leadership coach. I profoundly f'ing care about you unleashing your uniqueness, aligning to your purpose and taking massive action to fulfill your goals.

Take my #3UNIQUES quiz to discover what makes you unique:

This is a picture of Brenda sitting on a chair.
Kelsey (Boyer) Simpson

You belong at the table - let's fix that!

2 年

YESSSSS hahah simple but important reminder!


