The Best  Teaching Strategy

The Best Teaching Strategy

#Jigsaw is a teaching strategy that entails grouping of students with a view of making them to turn into experts in the area of focus. Here's how it works in a nutshell. #Teacher #Improvement

1. Divide and conquer:

The students are then separated into home groups and then the home groups are divided into the expert groups that deal with different subtopics of the main topic.

2. Become an expert:

In the context of their expert groups, the students focus on the particular subtopic, thus becoming rather specialized in the given segment.

3. Sharing the knowledge:

They will then go back to the home group and perform the role of teachers in the home group by teaching the other members of the particular home group on the knowledge they have gathered on the subtopic.

Such collaboration approach helps to improve the understanding of concepts as well as interpersonal communication. Here are some examples of how you can use the Jigsaw strategy across different subjects:Here are some examples of how you can use the Jigsaw strategy across different subjects:


The main topic could be the American Revolution. In the expert groups, the students might concentrate on such events as the Boston Tea Party, the battles of Lexington and Concord. Each person would then contribute his knowledge of the revolution to the home groups to come up with a general timeline of the revolution.


For the illustrations, now let assume the class is learning about the human bodies. The concept could be divided into expert groups that each is focused on systems like the respiratory system or the digestive system. Students would go back to their home groups and briefly present their assigned system and what they learned so that they all have a good grasp of how the human body functions.


In the class when the teacher is reading Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, he/she can apply Jigsawing in reading different features of the play. In regards to the components for consideration by experts, they could involve characters, dynamic plot, and literary features adopted by Shakespeare. In their home groups, they would then discuss what they had gotten from the play this time, meaning that they would be getting even a deeper meaning of the play’s themes.

My View on Jigsaw

One of the striking features of the Jigsaw strategy is that it is highly flexible with regard to topics to be taught and learners’ age. In essence, it encourages participation, memorization enlists the help of other group members in the process; therefore, it is useful to educators.


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