The Best Teacher

The Best Teacher

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First, I invite you to have a listen to this question.

In Chapter 32, we explored resolve and its components of Decisiveness and Determination.

Now, we explore Chapter 33... in The Realm Between... by LD Olsen on Wattpad. This is a great and epic read for tweens and up, and for these days. I suggest you might go on, and catch up. As part of this leg of my Sharpen the Blades blog series, I continue my reading of The Realm Between... and its application to life.

Why? The story is capturing me and I am finding direct relevance and resonance for my own life, in this realm. It is an exploration of high and heroic character.

I do indeed continue to invite you to join me on the journey. Catch up, read up... on the book and blogs, if you like. LD Olsen is writing quite the story.

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  • Yes, I invite you to join me on this read and reflect. To join the Wattpad community costs nothing, and you gain access to the book, and many others. In order to join, go to their login... and set up a simple profile.
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  • This will give you access to countless online books; it is incredible. To engage LD Olsen search for...

So, yes, I am inviting you to catch up. For now, I move onto Chapter 33.

Chapter 33: Sensis, Sae, Mindis and Fiel

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Last evening, I watched the Season Finale of Picard; and I loved it. I loooved it. But, then again, I have been loving the unfolding story and character development in this, it's inaugural Season. That being said, there is a character, Kestra, daughter of Will Riker and Deanna Troi... and she befriends Soji, a "synth". In one scene, this young girl encourages Soji to "have" Picard (as family), so that they could have each other. For me, she is speaking of a love that is... it just is; the Love that is the grounding strength of character.

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It is the Love that is one part of the childhood concept I had named "Tu'uck Ma'ah"; Honor Love. That is another story.

But Picard, the series, is oooozing that for me. An exploration of Honor and Love.

I am witnessing same in The Realm Between, and no more so than in this Chapter 33.

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Everything requires everything. Everything we Soulfully desire requires everything of us; nothing more, nothing less. That is enough. Godwin and Tahira know this, as Tauriel and Legolas surely do. This is not a love of weakness and need; but strength. It is mutual; reciprocal. Whole. It is born of the virtues of Love and Honor... as two wings of one great bird in flight.

Tu'uk Ma'ah. Loved. Alive. Together. Steadfast. United. Strong. You get that in the closing scene of last night's episode of Picard (watch it for yourself).

To borrow from another Star Trek reference, as Worf and Jadzia might say "If we join together, no force can stop us".

We do not find this. We do not seek it. It finds us; either in the simple knowing of two (or more) lifelong and beyond friends or in our partner whom we know and love deeply. For me, I think I know this deeply. The knowing is enough.

My Thought for You, and Me

Love is. It just is. It is not thought through. Neither is it impulsive nor unwise. It knows. Reflect on Love.

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Reflect on its connection to Dominion.

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... and Candor...

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... and Wholeheartedness.

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I mean reflect on it. Read the cards of Love, Honor, Dominion, Candor and Wholeheartedness. Munch on them. Crunch on them. Soulfully, ask yourself what they would look like for you in your work and play at school, work, business and community. As yourself at best and whole, what would they look like with that one you love now and/or in the future. For me, and last night in my now nightly chats online during this time of isolation and lockdown, I am being drawn to these questions.

  • Who are those Souls in my "Camelot"? What is it of them, to which I am so drawn?
  • Who is that Soul that calls to my heart, whether in my life or not right now?

The answers to these questions, whether I am with that Soul or not... they tell me who I am and for what I will stand. Regardless of "having her in my life" or not, the answers to these questions tell me of me.

Exploring Love, true Love as virtue... teaches us who we are. As Picard said essentially in last night's episode... fear is a poor teacher. Conversely, Love is the best of teachers. Yesterday, writing on my undiscovered country speaks to me even and ever more now of this truth. I might chat more on this in tonight's online fun nightly chat time on Facebook.

Asking ourselves honestly and truthfully to answer who and how we love is the greatest teacher of who we are. Being the kind of leader, educator and entrepreneur who can foster and advance that awareness in others is our best impact. These words remind me...

When we observe the phenomena of the universe, we realize that the axis around which life revolves is love, while the axis around which death and destruction revolve is animosity and hatred… The proof is clear that in all degrees and kingdoms unity and agreement, love and fellowship are the cause of life, whereas dissension, animosity and separation are ever conducive to death. Therefore, we must strive with life and soul in order that, day by day, unity and agreement may be increased among mankind and that love and affinity may become more resplendently glorious and manifest.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace

And so, the question again is how and who will you love?


Starting with this blog and going forward, and given my experience, education and Enthusiasm ...

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... for education itself, I am going to offer up a HOMEwork section at the end of each blog post; optional of course. Your HOMEwork for this blog is to reflect on the following questions, with Honesty and Truthfulness and Candor.

Who have you truly loved (or now truly love) in your life?

  • What specifically did they or do they bring to your life?
  • What does what they did or do actually do for your Soul?

What work, service, ideas, places, or causes have you and do you truly love in your life?

  • What specifically did they or do they bring to your life?
  • What does what they did or do actually do for your Soul?

Inventory that, and see what narrative appears. See who and what matters most to you, understand what about them matters most, and start to articulate what that says to and about who you ultimately are at best.

Until next time,

Peace, passion and prosperity...

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Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage


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AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...


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And, coming soon...

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