Sitting at a desk for long stretches of time, generally in one position and with bad posture, can lead to muscular pain and tension in our shoulders, neck, upper back, lower back, hips and legs.
Although I exercise on a regular basis and regularly work on my strength and flexibility, I spend a lot of time at my desk. A few months ago I realised that often by the end of the day my muscles were feeling tight and sore, and that I was finding it hard to sleep because of the aches and pains. So I started stretching more during the course of my day, and what a difference it’s made! I feel so much less stiff, I sleep better, and I feel more relaxed and just generally healthier and better.
After experimenting with lots of different stretches, I’ve identified the ones that are the most valuable when you spend a lot of time hunched over your desk. Perform these stretches at least once a day. To start with, aim to take a break at lunchtime to practise them, and you’ll see your alertness and productivity improve during the afternoon too.
Make sure you slowly ease into each stretch, and only do it to a point which feels comfortable – there should be no pain. Don’t bounce, just reach into the slight, easy stretch and hold it for 10-20 seconds until the tension eases. Then stretch a little bit further until to the point of tension but do not overstretch to pain. You are aiming to gently increase your flexibility and release the tension. Remember to breathe deeply and slowly, and to relax.
Ease into each area of your body gently and progressively, rather than overstretching too soon and risking discomfort at best, and injury at worst. If any stretch feels especially good then hold it for a little longer, and if you identify any areas of particular tension then deepen the stretch a little making sure there is no pain or discomfort.
Your poor neck takes a lot of stress as you sit at your desk with a tight jaw and tense shoulders, not to mention the extra problems from looking down at your phone. Poor posture in your neck can also lead to tension headaches. Correct your posture and muscle tension with these beautiful, releasing stretches, which can be done seated or standing. Repeat each stretch 5 times unless stated otherwise.
Shoulder Shrug
Keeping your head in neutral position and looking forwards, lift your shoulders towards your ears until you feel a slight tension in your shoulders and neck. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then let your shoulders drop to their normal position, rolling back as you relax down.
Slow Nod
Slowly bend your neck forwards and lower your chin towards your chest as far as you can. Hold for a second, then reverse it, lifting your head backwards towards your shoulders. Look up at the ceiling and hold for a second.
Simple Stretch
Twist your head to the right as far as you can, so you’re looking over your right shoulder. Hold for a second, then return to the centre and repeat on the left side.
Half neck rolls
Lean your head back and look up at the ceiling. Roll your head towards the left shoulder, hold for a second, return to the centre and roll your head towards your right shoulder, holding for a second. Repeat 5 times. Then return to the centre and tilt your head forwards with your chin as close to your chest as you can, stopping if there’s any pain or discomfort, and roll your head from shoulder to shoulder again, holding for a second each time or longer if it feels good. Repeat 5 times.
Supine neck stretch
If you have somewhere suitable (ie. clean and out of the eyesight of your colleagues who might laugh at you!), lie down on your back. Link your fingers behind the base of your head and lift your head slightly. Gently squeeze your shoulder blades back and down, lowering your shoulders down and away from your neck. Keep your elbows to the ground, gently push your head into your hands and keep your chin neutral. Hold for at least 30 seconds.
A common result of sitting working on a laptop is hunched or rounded shoulders. These two quick and easy stretches will help to release tension in your shoulders.
Shoulder Shrugs
Sit tall and shrug your shoulders up towards your ears as high as you can without pain – you might be surprised at first at how difficult this is, especially if you’ve developed bad posture over some time. Hold for 3-5 seconds whilst continuing to breathe, then release and relax your shoulders back down. Repeat 5 times.
Shoulder Rolls
Sitting tall, slowly roll your shoulders up and back and then forward and down, tightening your shoulder blades in your back to draw your shoulders back even further. Do 3 sets of 10 in each direction.
Keeping your chest open and flexible is essential if you’re too avoid bad posture and muscle tension in your shoulders and back.
Chest Opener
Stand tall and clasp your hands behind your back with your palms pressed together and your arms fully extended. Breathe in, look up towards the ceiling and as you exhale, press your hands down as far as you can, whilst drawing your shoulders backwards to widen your chest. Hold for 10-12 seconds, and relax. Repeat 5 times.
If you’re sitting for most of the day, you’re likely to have tight hip flexors which can lead to lower back pain. Stretching out your hips releases tension and stiffness and helps you to stay flexible and mobile.
Hip Flexor
Kneel on the floor with one leg out in front of you with your knee bent, front foot flat on the ground and ankle directly under your knee. Your back leg should be as straight as possible. Gently press your hips forward to feel a stretch. If you wish you can extend the stretch by raising your opposite arm above your head and leaning over to the side of the front leg. Breathe deeply and hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
Glute Stretch
This stretch opens up your hips and your glutes which can be stiff after a whole day of sitting down, and it just feels great! Whilst seated, cross your right ankle over your left knee and sit up tall with good posture. Gently lean forwards, keeping your back straight and reaching forwards with your torso until you feel a stretch in the right glute and hip. Hold for 15 seconds, then repeat with the other leg.
Stretching your spine will help to release tension in your entire body, and make you feel great. Always stretch carefully and gently, don’t force anything and if anything hurts, stop!
Spinal Twist
Sitting in your chair with your feet flat on the floor, pull in your abs and gently rotate your torso towards the left. Make sure you only twist as far as is comfortable, keeping your hips square and back straight, and do not overstretch. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
This beautiful yoga pose helps to release tension in your neck, shoulders, back, abs, hips and chest, so it’s a pretty good allrounder and just feels sooo good.
Kneel on all fours with your shoulders over your wrists, hips over your knees and weight distributed evenly. Now slowly arch your back whilst tucking your chin to your chest. You are a hissing cat! Hold for 10 seconds. Now turn into the cow by lifting your hips and head upwards while creating a U-shape with your back, stomach towards the floor. Hold, and then repeat the entire movement.
Childs Pose
Kneel on the ground with knees slightly apart. Lean forwards and reach your arms out as far as you can in front of you, palms on the floor. Keeping your back flat, press your chest towards the floor. Feel the stretch in your back and hips, and hold for 1-3 minutes whilst breathing deeply.
Lower Spine Stretch
Sit firmly in your chair with your feet flat on the ground. With your right hand on the armrest, reach your left hand up above your head and bend your spine slightly to the right. Hold for 30 seconds whilst continuing to breathe deeply, then repeat on the other side. Repeat the whole exercise 3 times.
Long Spinal Stretch
Sit firmly in your chair with your feet flat on the ground and spread wide apart. Sit up tall and straight, then slowly slide your hands all the way down your calves until they reach the floor. Place your fingertips on the floor between your feet, breathe slowly and with each out breath try to stretch down even further until your palms are flat. Remember not to force it and only go as far as is comfortable for you. Hold for up to 30 seconds, then return to the start position. Repeat the whole exercise 3 times.