The Best Strategy for Success: Staying in the Moment
Jens Cole, Certified Professional Coach, ELI-MP, MDR
Coaching you to Captain your Mindsets, Commitments, and Actions! ~ Certified Professional Coach | Performance Specialist | Masters in Dispute Resolution | sports fanatic & performance junky
Happy Monday friends! Today's?Newsletter?is all about?Staying in the Moment! Below you'll find:
A thought
A quote
A Tip
A Resource
And a Win from the week
This week I had a young student-athlete reach out for help, sharing some of her recent struggles of overwhelm, frustration, and self-doubt.?
Feeling stressed about her future, believing she was falling behind. Knowing she has goals for her future but feeling like recently she’d been doubting her abilities to achieve them.
This prompted a conversation around our perception of time and the valuing of time.
And it made me think of the fact that time is an illusion. The way we view time, the future, the past, the present, timelines, deadlines, is totally based on our perception.?
And we tend to, as intelligent beings, put a lot of attention to the future and do a really good job of remembering the past.
But?worrying?about the future or being?held down/regretful?over the past is minimally influential over long-term success and accomplishment,?a futile investment of energy
I don't mean to assert that your future is not important or valid, and that your past experiences are not meaningful and impactful?
But what I mean is that, acceptance of the mission towards success, fulfillment, achievement activates and initiates a demand, a need to optimize passion, energy, effectiveness, discipline, joy, resilience
And to waste time and energy in spaces of low to 0 return is inefficient in the mission towards success, fulfillment, and achievement?
LITERALLY, you get NOTHING back, no ROI, from?worrying?and welcoming unregulated stress over your past (which you cant change) and your future (which you cant 100% predict)?
It is counterintuitive and poorly strategic to allow overwhelm, worry, and overanalysis of the past or the future to rule your mindset if you are hoping for success and meet those goals?
The only part of “time” most relevant to our lives is the?now. The part of time competitively valuable is the?now. There is choice in the?now. Reality in the?now. Alive energy in the?now.?
You have no choice in “past”. No choice in the “future” but real choice in the?now
The past is a collection of memories, the future is a collection of figmants in your imagination?
The now is real, its awake, its palpable, and tangible, and riddled with choice, possession, and control
The only part of time you are experiencing is now.?
And being aware of - and taking advantage of - that truth and fact is where you can control the success in your future
Where you can begin to design your future, and not let it feel like defaul?
We can't 100% predict or control our future?but?realizing the power that is the now and putting true investment of self, passion, energy, creativity, discipline, commitment, and authenticity in the choices of the now, will be carried into the future but you will attract that very energy you mindfully implemented into the decisions within the “now”
There is no point on the spectrum of time that you are expeperiencing other than the “now”
You arent experiencing the past because it already happened
You arent experiencing the future because it hasnt happened yet
Even when you are imagining or anxiously ruminating about the future or the past, you are doing so in the present.?
Meaning the exact of imagining or ruminating that is taking place is happening in the present.?
So if the present is the only relevant, valid, strategically significant source in time than just focus on that instead of the future or the past, because neither are more relevant, valid, or strategically significant in value to the present.?
The return on investment is SO low, some would say 0% when investing your time and energy in thinking about the future or past.?
If you truly cared about honoring and learning from your past, and if you truly cared about impacting and influencing your future, then just focus on living to the best of your ability (Whateverr that may look like in the now).?
As CS Lewis quotes “the present is the point where time (the amount of life you have lived up until now or your “past”) touches eternity (the “future”)”
“For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity.”
Tip of the week
“Be where your feet are”
The key to mindfulness is practicing awareness of your inner and outer tunes.
Meaning being aware of in the moment how you are feeling, what are you sensing, where are you, what are you physically doing, where are your thoughts at.?
There’s a rich access of information and learned wisdom in the now, that we can forget about it in our pursuit of predicting, planning, or anticipating the future.?
To know where you are going and how to get there, it is really important you understand how you are the way you are in the now
Resource I have been pumped about?
?Wins from the week?
I scheduled my first guest on my podcast!!!?Be on the lookout for the FULL episode coming soon!
If you are interseted in learning more about coahcing, know you need support and want to get started, or if you want to take advantage of a FREE 30-minute session, message me directly using the link below!
In my coaching process, I can first help to measure, quantify, and create clear awareness, “consciousness”, to your patterns of Being:
?Your common thought patterns, beliefs, and perceptions
?Your common emotional and energetic responses
?Your behavioral patterns and actions
So it becomes more efficient and attainable to create the changes and the systems of success YOU want to create!!
By tapping into your mindset and your neuroscience, energies, and behaviors I can help you clarify that which is serving and useful, while releasing that which is not!!
Whether through service or reminder, my goal is to help people be consciously, authentically, and energetically alive, control stress and judgment, and maximize joy, passion, creativity, wisdom, and productivity