Best solutions for Microsoft interview tasks. Numbers With Equal Digit Sum.
Alexander Molchevskyi
Experienced Rust, C++, Web3, Blockchain, Embedded developer exploring new opportunities
In this task we need to do following things:
- We need to write a function which returns sum of digits for a given number.
- We need to make a hash map where the key is the sum of digits of the given number and the value is this number.
- Then we will take each given number and put sum of it’s digits and the number itself into the hash map
- If the hash map contains this sum we check if sum of our number and number from the map is bigger than maximum encountered sum of numbers.
- If yes we save this sum as the maximum sum and save in the hash map given number if it is bigger than the number from the map.
// this function returns sum of digits of a given number int dsum(int a) { int s = 0; for (; a > 0; a /= 10) { s += a % 10; } return s; }int solution(const vector<int> & v) { using sum_t = int; using number_t = int; unordered_map<sum_t, number_t> m; // Maximum sum of given numbers int max_sum = 0; for (auto i : v) { int s = dsum(i); // If we have no such sum of digits in the map if (!m.count(s)) { // add this sum to the map as a key and the number // as a value m[s] = i; } else { // if we have the sum of digits in the map // if sum of current number and number from // the map with the same sum of digits are bigger than // maximum encountered sum then update the maximum sum max_sum = max(max_sum, m[s] + i); // Save current number as value for current sum // of digits if it is bigger than number from the map m[s] = max(i, m[s]); } } // if the are no numbers with equal sum return -1 return max_sum ? max_sum : -1; }
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