Best Sales Advice For B2B Call|Landing Page For More Conversion

Best Sales Advice For B2B Call|Landing Page For More Conversion

Conversion On landing Page Or B2B Sales call. Below points will help you connect the dots!

If we talk about sales it is a kind of science & Art of understanding human nature, Behavior & instincts and accordingly molding our speech or body language to convince the other person as per our needs or desires.

If we understand the science of persuasion and taking certain actions or presenting something affecting the buying decision of the person then we can say sales start happening.

Before we dive deep into sales and sales advice, we need to understand that what is sales

Now Sales As per me is when there happens to be an exchange of value then that exchanging scenario is called sales for e.g. if we go back to those times when there used to be a barter system then it gives us a clear picture of what sale is and how it happens. Let Me Re-frame the sentence so that you understand what it is;

“Sale Is when there is an exchange of value & It can only happen when there is an exchange of value in any way”

Talking about the best Sales advice or sales formula for getting sales done Be it On Your Website/Landing Page or One on One or Over The call. The only thing I want to talk about in this article is “A.I.D.A” Formula wherein “A” Stands for Attention “I” stands for “Interest” “D” Stands for Desire & “A” Stands for Action. Now Let’s Understand pointwise what is “AIDA”



The Most important Thing For a sale to happen be it online or be it offline is that you need people’s attention, The more the attention the more the chances for a sale to happen. It’s Very simple “Where focus goes energy flows”  Now let’s take an example there is this “x” product or services that you are trying to sell through your website or through your Facebook or Instagram page now you want to make sure that you are seen by your audiences as many times as it is possible because a study on marketing & sales has shown that Any Brand or company has to be seen by its audience 36 times to get registered in their audience’s brain. So It Means you will not only have to strategize what when & How to target your audience but to re-target them depending on their purchase behavior Just to grab the attention so that you can continue to get your sales on your website.

In another Scenario If you are trying to sell through phone or one on one meetings then the same thing applies after you are done with the bombardment of your marketing content be it online or offline. You follow them up. Actually, the big chunk of sales is there in follow-ups. You will see a big difference the moment you start properly following up after your sales pitch. If you are missing on follow-ups then you are leaving a lot of money on the table. I mean let’s say you see a girl on the street and you like her and you want her in your life & you directly go to her and ask her for sex….!!!! Can you imagine What is going to happen? I think you got the point. Follow-Ups be it phone calls or sending postcards, e-mails, or retargeting ads. Start Doing It You will for sure see almost 20%-25% of jump in sales in many cases we have seen a 50% jump in sales. SO, it all comes down to attention.



This subject seems very funny for me as many sales executives I see just keep pitching their product without even knowing what their prospect wants or needs or is interested in. Interest Is basically an internal trigger wanting something or to get any problem solved or simply buying something that they need at that particular point of time. Now in order to address this issue what you can do is look for “key qualifying question” and you literally without saying anything listen to when they say their interest or wants out of that particular situation or conversation.

Here Listening is the key unless you don’t listen to what your prospect is looking for you will keep on pitching your product all the benefits & features without realizing what to sell. Don’t listen to answer listen to process the information so that you can assist relevantly. Be always Relevant be it online ads or talking to a prospect. Let’s say you are selling a “Y” product and someone clicked your link and landed on your website or sales funnel and then what he finds altogether different story what he saw on your online ads be it on social media or Google. In this case the “Bounce rate” will be very high and google will punish (in terms of higher cost of ad/click) and you will end up paying more for traffic which is not converting at all. And after that even if you follow them up still it’s not going to convert the way it would have if it would be relevant. In the same way, you got to be exact, relevant & literally helping your prospect by answering his concerns you can only do that when you are listening so that you can come to know what his interest is or what he wants and you can provide it to them. You Might have seen surveys or quizzes on some time they are collecting data about your interest in that particular niche so that they can pitch you what you want be it offline or online. Ever imagined why you always see suggested videos on YouTube as per your search results. Ever Though how Facebook is able to show you the same exactly ads of pair of shoes or watches that you saw on amazon or google last night/a few days back. It is all because they know what your interests are and what you like or want at that particular point of time. A famous saying is that “Ask what they want & give it to them” and that’s how you can take care of your sales journey completely.


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In this section, I would like to start by saying a very famous quote that is “We buy with emotions & justify it with logic” For e.g. let’s say you liked a watch you will buy it even if it costs you $5000. Once you have bought that watch you will justify it by giving 100 of logic that how good it feels and how it looks on your wrist. On the contrary, purpose of a watch is showing you time which you could have purchased a decent looking watch at $500 But You see how this thing works. Basically, you had that connection with that particular watch and you feel that your status is lifted or raised by that watch as your friends or colleagues talking about you because of that watch.

One of the things that you need to keep in mind is that is your buyer able to connect with you/your brand. Although It’s an internal trigger but with all your ads and follow-ups you can create an external trigger to make that purchase happen or affect the buying decision of the prospect. Now when I say internal or external trigger here it means something affecting the buying decision of the customer/prospect. Desire is basically an internal trigger like interest but is very different from the interest in terms of sales scenario. Storytelling or great testimonials is another factor which actually inculcates and affects the desire of Your Buyer.

For e.g. You want a house but don’t know where to and who can get you the best deal. You are basically a “problem aware” which I have will mention in my next article you can follow me to get a hold of that. Now this journey of taking from your prospect or buyer from “interest” to “desire” like “I want it” is very crucial be it offline or online, use the offers and other testimonial or be so good in your services or make your product so good that “word of mouth” becomes one of your marketing strategies and later on when you have them on phone or on your website with all the offer they are bound to make a buying decision.


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Now comes the closing part which is the last step of finishing your sales process be it a long sales cycle or short cycle. If You Address the objections of your prospect the way it is supposed to be Or You have all your frequently asked questions on your website/landing page Also Bringing an offer or creating a scarcity like limited time offer brings your buyer into a situation wherein he takes action and buys the product or services that you are offering.

Social Proof Is another great aspect as it shows that your product or services is creating a buzz and is quite liked by the people and hence your potential buyer becomes a buyer. You have to create that likeability of your product or services that you are offering by giving offers or free useful content and by genuinely helping people by either giving better customer support or by offering free help to solve their problem this way they will always be coming back to your website or will be always contacting you to help them accomplish a task and they become your buyer.

Now As I already mentioned listen carefully to your prospect in terms of one on one scenario, if the prospect says “NO” Instead of leaving the discussion or closing parts of the sales then and there just be specific and ask a question like “Is it the cost” or “Is it the price” and then explain the difference between the cost and the price after listening to the answer and once you meet all his requirements prospect will definitely go for buying the product or services that you are offering. Also If You ask your prospect about what out of below 3 points is stopping him to take action

1.  Interested but not sure

2.  Interested but too costly

3.  Not Interested at all

Once you get your answer you can easily take your prospect back to the discussion and make him take action.

I hope the above points will at least give you some ideas or bring you closer to what you want to achieve in your business goal. Please do let me know if it helped.

For any assistance or support be it getting copywriting or wanting a sales copy just send an e-mail: [email protected] or just send me LinkedIn


Faith Falato

Account Executive at Full Throttle Falato Leads - We can safely send over 20,000 emails and 9,000 LinkedIn Inmails per month for lead generation

8 个月

Khalid, thanks for sharing!



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