Best Rehabs in Nairobi Kenya – Quality, Affordability, Diet, Safety and More!
You are probably here because you or your loved one is struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.
Drug and alcohol addiction is an emotionally, physically, and financially draining disease. The pain is magnified by society’s ignorance on the disease and the ensuing stigma.
This post takes an in-depth look into addiction and reviews some of the best rehabilitation centers in Nairobi Kenya.
How do I know if my loved one is addicted to alcohol/drugs?
Mental health experts across the globe use a guide known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental disorders (DSM) to diagnose addiction and other mental health conditions.
The DSM is published by the American Psychiatric Association and is currently in its fifth edition (DSM-5-TR). DSM 5 defines chemical addiction as the continued use of drugs and/or alcohol despite the negative consequences.
Simply put, one is considered addicted to alcohol or drugs if
Find a summary of the four areas that determine if a person is addicted in the table below prepared by one of the best rehabs in Kenya.
Impaired control
Social problems
Risky use
Physical dependence
What makes people abuse drugs and alcohol?
People abuse drugs and alcohol for different reasons. For most people, drug and alcohol use start with experimentation.
Many people try out alcohol or any other substance at some point in life and are able to stop. ?For the person prone to addiction, the experimentation only leads to the dark pit of addiction.
But what makes some people prone to addiction? Firstly, the intention of use has a great impact on outcome of use. A person is likely to develop addiction if they are using alcohol or drugs to numb emotional pain. This is known as self-medicating.
The emotional pain could be as a result of childhood trauma, loss and grief, depression, anxiety, stress or any other mental health issue. Research shows that the hormones released in response to stress (glucocorticoids) make humans prone to drug and alcohol addiction.
Another risk factor to substance addiction is early exposure. Substance abuse is known to cause rapid brain shrinkage in adolescents. The brain shrinkage makes the addiction recovery path an uphill task.
Genes are also known to play a role in addiction development. This means that those from families with a history of addiction are likely to develop the disease. We will discuss the risk factors of addiction in detail in another post.
How addiction changes the brain
Drug and alcohol addiction not only the changes the behavior or person but also the structure of the brain.
This explains why you can’t just talk your loved one out of addiction. Moreover, the change in brain structure makes alcohol and drug addiction a relapsing disease. ?This means that those in recovery will always be prone to relapsing.
We will do a longer post on how addiction changes the brain and how to prevent relapse in another blogpost.
Social stigma as a roadblock in addiction recovery
People struggling with addiction and their families are likely to face social condemnations and ridicule. Many often label the people struggling with addiction as the rotten apples of the society.
The parents are likely to be blamed for poor parenting. There are families where loved ones struggling with addiction are treated as outcasts. Some try to save face by hiding them during extended family gatherings.
The extended family members may write-off the person struggling with addiction and use them as an example of “what not to be” to their children. This stigma makes the addiction worse.
But addiction is never a choice! It’s a complicated brain disease. It’s true that people chose to try drugs or alcohol. We have all made bad choices in life. But for some people, the bad choices have dire consequences.
Most of us have tried alcohol or other substances at some point in life. But we do ask ourselves why we never got addicted and they did? Before judging a person struggling with addiction, remember that addiction may be a symptom of underlying mental health issues.
As we will see in this post, addiction may be the tip of an iceberg of underlying serious mental health issues.
Addiction a family disease
Addiction is a devastating family disease because it not only affects the substance abuser but also causes a lot of emotional pain to the family.
The family also bears the financial, legal, and medical consequences of the addiction. It’s even more painful when the person struggling with addiction doesn’t realize that they need help.
Close family members are also likely to start with denial but there comes a time when the consequences are so obvious they can’t deny them. In my practice as an addiction therapist, I have had parents deny or minimize the obvious addiction of their children until it became full-blown.
Some family members may develop unhealthy relationships with the person struggling with addiction and end up making the addiction worse.
As we will see below, addiction is more often a symptom of underlying mental health issues within the family.
Childhood trauma and addiction
Addiction may be as a result of unresolved childhood trauma in the family. Studies show that 70% of addiction cases have childhood trauma as the underlying cause.
Childhood trauma may result from growing in abusive family environments. An example is child raised in a family where the father and mother are always fighting. This child may develop may repress the emotional pain and try to resolve it in adulthood by taking substances.
Childhood trauma doesn’t always result from extreme occurrences. It can result to “little” things such as;
Many people ask why not all children exposed to traumatic life experiences end up engaging in destructive behaviors.
The way we respond to traumatic life experiences depends with our personalities. This explains why not all children who go through childhood trauma end up abusing substances.
Childhood trauma as a cause of alcohol and drug addiction among other destructive behaviors is an in-depth subject.
I will address this subject in detail in other blogposts. Keep reading to learn about the rehabs in Kenya that offer a trauma-focused addiction treatment program.
What to expect in a rehab – The treatment process!
Many people don’t know what to look for when seeking an addiction treatment center for their loved ones.
Every patient and their families have a right to treatment information. Understanding the treatment process enables you to ask the right questions when looking for a rehab in Kenya. Below is what to expect in a rehab program.
STEP ONE: Medical/psychiatric reviews
Every patient must be assessed by a qualified psychiatric doctor on admission. The assessment should determine if there are underlying psychiatric conditions and treat them.
STEP TWO: Lab tests
Baseline lab investigations such as the Liver Functioning Tests (LFTs), Urea Electrolyte and Creatinine test (UECs), the AST test, and Full Blood Count (FBC) test must also be done.
The doctor may recommend other tests after assessing the patient. You should follow up to know the test results and their implications.
STEP THREE: Detox and management of withdrawals
The detox process removes the toxins of the alcohol and/or drugs from the body. Detox minimizes the physical harm caused by the substance abuse.
It also reduces the withdrawal symptoms. ?A good rehab program should offer detox to all patients.
STEP FOUR: Psychoeducation
Psychoeducation equips the patient with self-awareness and education about addiction and mental health. Counselling can only be effective when the person struggling with addiction is well-informed.
STEP FIVE: Individual and family therapy
Counselling helps address the issues that lead to addiction. Individual therapy sessions should be conducted by a professional psychologist or addiction counselor.
Addiction is a family disease hence close family members should be involved in the treatment process. The best rehabs in Kenya invite family members for counselling sessions.
STEP SIX: Aftercare
Aftercare is also extremely important. Addiction is a chronic brain disease that must be actively managed for a lifetime. A good rehab program should do follow up for at least 6 months.
The patient must also be provided with an option to join support groups such as the Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) group in their area.
The video below explains the addiction treatment process in a rehabilitation setup.
What to look for in a rehab center
There are many rehabs in Kenya but not all are worth their salt. You should always do your due diligence before settling on a treatment center. Below are the 8 things to consider when selecting a rehab in Kenya for your loved one.
1.???? Quality of the program - Should address all the key areas as explained above
2.???? Diet - Nutritionary-reviewed and the patient should be given enough food portion.
3.???? Safety – The place should be secure i.e. no loopholes for drugs or alcohol to enter the facility. Rehabs are residential treatment centers and hence should be peaceful for all patients.
4.???? Affordability – Should be considerably prized. The center should be ready to itemize the charges.
5.???? Customer service – The support staff should be friendly and ready to answer all questions.
6.???? Online reviews – They should have an online presence and great ratings on their Google Maps and social media pages.
7.???? Licenses - They should display all their licenses publicly i.e. their NACADA and Public Health certification and KMPDU license. Also check if their counselors are registered with KPA.
8.???? Aftercare program – They should have an aftercare program i.e. follow-up on patients after discharge.
Quality and Affordable rehabs in Kenya
There are over a hundred rehabs in Kenya according to a 2023 report by NACADA. As mentioned earlier, not all the rehabs are worth their salt.
Consequently, you should do thorough due diligence before settling on a treatment center for your loved ones. In this section, we will discuss the best rehabs in Nairobi Kenya and their charges.
Primrose Rehab and Wellness
Primrose Rehab and Wellness is a level 3 medical center operating as an inpatient treatment facility for substance use disorders.
The center ranks top on Google Maps in the list of the best rehabs in Kenya. It’s reviewed by many people and has a general rating of 4.7 Stars. This makes it one of the best rated rehabilitation centers in Kenya.
Primrose Rehab offers a trauma-focused treatment approach. This approach has a high success rate given the strong positive correlation between childhood trauma and addiction.
Their services are holistic and involves a multidisciplinary team. Many reviewers rate them highly on the quality of program and comfort. The owners of the institution are part of the clinical team.
The center is also among the very few rehabs in Nairobi offering treatment for problem gambling. They have a non-profit known as East Africa Centre for Mental Health Services. The center focuses
Primrose Rehab and Wellness is certified by NACADA and licensed by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Union (KMPDU). The center is also NHIF accredited.
Primrose Rehab and Wellness is located in Thindigua, along Kiambu road. The map below shows the exact location
Contact Primrose Rehab 0726883960
Check their reviews here
Female only rehabs in Kenya
The number of women seeking treatment for substance use disorders has risen exponentially over the last few years. Many people are therefore searching for female only rehabs. Unfortunately, there are limited options in this category. Find a review of the best female rehab centers in Kenya below.
Althea Rehab Center Kiambu
Althea is a fairly new women’s only rehab founded in 2024 and based in Ting’ang’a Kiambu, about 20 minute drive from Kiambu town. ?
The center provides treatment for substance use disorders and management of underlying psychiatric conditions. Althea is NACADA accredited and their staff are licensed in their respective fields.
Their program includes;
Psychiatric assessment
Medical assessment (at least 3 baseline lab investigations)
Detox and management of underlying psychiatric conditions
Individual and family counselling
Althea rehab has an office and psychiatric clinic in Kiambu town, opposite Kiambu Level 5 Hospital. We rank this institution among the most affordable rehabs in Kenya since they charge around ksh45,000 per month.
Nueva Esperanza Treatment & Wellness Center
Nueva Esperanza is a women only rehab center based in Membley Estate, Ruiru. The center has been around for 2 years and is one of the well-established female rehabs in Kenya. Their services include;
Psychiatric assessment and management of underlying issues
Medical assessments
Counselling and psychoeducation
Nueva Esperanza was founded by Kui Mucara, a well-known psychologist and mental health nurse. Their multidisciplinary team includes consultant psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health nurses, and addiction counselors.
Government Rehab centers in Kenya
Many people seek government owned rehabs because they are often cheaper than private rehab centers. Unfortunately, there are very few government-owned rehab centers in Kenya. We will offer a brief review of each of these rehabs below.
Mathari National Teaching & Referral hospital (MNTRH)
MNTRH is the biggest mental health treatment facility in Kenya. The center provides treatment for all mental illnesses including those induced by substance abuse. Their multidisciplinary team includes psychiatrists, general practitioners, nurses, psychologists, and addiction counselors.
MNTRH has a rehab unit that offers services similar to those provided by the best rehabs in Kenya. However, the quality of service at MTNRH is questionable given the many cases of mistreatment and patients sneaking in drugs. Nonetheless, there are many people who have gone through treatment at Mathari and recovered.
Miritini Treatment and rehabilitation center
Miritini Treatment Center is a government rehab operated by the National Authority for the Campaign against Drugs (NACADA). The center was founded in 2021 and is based in Changamwe, Mombasa. Moreover, it has a capacity of 250 clients, and accommodates both male and female.
Miritini rehab provides treatment for all substance use disorders and the underlying mental health conditions. The center also provides Methadone maintenance treatment. We will update this section when we get more info about this rehab center.
Sinai Outpatient Rehabilitation Centre
Sinai Outpatient rehab center was founded in 2023 in Makadara, Nairobi County. The center is managed by the county government of Nairobi. Sinai Outpatient rehab center provides outpatient services only, including psychiatric and psychological management.
The center also provides a methadone clinic for patients struggling with opiods addiction. Sinai Outpatient Clinic doesn’t charge any fees.
Specialized Methadone clinics in Kenya
Methadone clinics provide methadone, a prescription drug that is incredibly effective in the management of opioids withdrawals. Opioids are types of drugs typically used to manage pain, but are abused because they cause euphoria (pleasurable sense of well-being) for some people.
The most abused opioids in Kenya include prescription drugs such as morphine, codeine, tramadol, oxycodone, oxymorphine, fentanyl, propofol, and pethidine. Illegal drugs such as heroin also fall into this category.
Methadone is a drug that helps reduce opioids withdrawal symptoms and manage cravings. Simply put, the drug mimics the opioids to prevent withdrawal symptoms without causing the euphoria associated with opioids use.
Other drugs used for opioids withdrawals management include buprenorphine, lofexidine and clonidine. ?Top rehabs in Kenya such as Primrose Rehab & Wellness, which is a SHA accredited medical institution, offer opioids addiction treatment.
Some outpatient centers have been established around the country to help opioids users who can’t afford private rehabs. These outpatient centers offer free methadone treatment to the less priveledged in the society. Methadone clinics in Kenya include;
Faith-based rehabs in Kenya
Other popular private rehabs in Kenya table
How is the success of a rehab program determined?
Many people ask about the success rate when looking for a rehab. This question signifies the fear of their loved one relapsing after the rehab program.
It’s a genuine question given the financial sacrifices made to put a loved one into a rehab program. Also, the family members are usually emotionally drained by the addiction of a loved one and are yearning for a reprieve.
It’s true that the quality of a rehab program impacts the treatment outcome. But many other factors also influence the treatment outcome.
Addiction is a chronic brain disease and hence it must be managed the same way we manage chronic illnesses such as diabetes. The chance of relapse is, therefore, always high especially when there is no proper aftercare program.
Treatment is considered a success when;
Voluntary vs involuntary rehab admission
Rehabs in Kenya accept voluntary and involuntary admissions. A voluntary admission happens when the patient willingly attends a rehab program.
The willingness to attend a rehab program doesn’t always mean that they have gained insight. Some may attend to evade the consequences of their addictive behaviors such as losing a job or a family.
In involuntary rehab admission, the patient is forced into the rehab unwillingly by the family members. The reasons for forcing a loved one into the rehab without their consent include:
v They are presenting with psychosis and hence can’t make informed decisions
v They are threatening to hurt themselves or other people
v They are on an evident self-destructive path e.g. neglecting their own cleanliness and not eating.
v They are presenting with severe withdrawal symptoms and/or related medical conditions.
Why people struggling with addiction refuse treatment
Many people struggling with addiction may refuse help due to the following reasons.
1.???? Denial
2.???? Fear of rehab
3.???? Fear of stigma
4.???? Fear of relapse
Acknowledging powerlessness over addiction and seeking help requires humility. Opening up for help means accepting vulnerability.
Unfortunately, most people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction lack the humility to accept vulnerability.
This leads to denial and minimization of the addiction. They may claim that they can stop when they want but that’s not true. The denial is worse when there is a loved one enabling the addictive behaviors.
An enabler is a person who willingly or unwillingly encourages the addictive behavior of the person struggling with addiction. Watch the video below to learn more about the enabler.
Denial may also be as a result of the structural brain changes resulting from addiction. Recent studies show that chronic substance abuse damages a part of the brain known as the Insular Cortex. This part of the brain is responsible for evaluating risks and making logical decisions.
With a damaged Insular Cortex, the person struggling with addiction continues cannot make logical decisions. This could explain why they continue with the substance abuse despite the negative consequences.
Fear of rehab
There is a lot of misconceptions about rehabs and other mental health treatment centers. Many people assume that rehabs are mental institutions where “crazy” people are locked away. That’s far from the truth.
A rehab facility is a residential treatment facility where anyone struggling with drug and alcohol addiction can seek help. Most of the people admitted in rehab facilities are not “crazy” as the masses assume.
They are ordinary people who have made a conscious decision to fight their addictions. Many have a good social standing and positive contributions to the society. Those who do not are often in the process of rebuilding their lives.
The best rehabs in Kenya are quite homely. Treatment is not punishment and hence must be provided in a good environment. The reason why you can’t leave the compound when undergoing treatment is to avoid the temptation to seek substances during the acute withdrawal stage.
Fear of stigma
People struggling with addiction face a lot of stigma. Many are likely to judge them instead of helping them.
This makes them not to accept that they need help. As mentioned earlier, accepting help means acknowledging vulnerability. It’s only in a safe environment that we are willing to accept our vulnerabilities.
Many families are known to right off the members struggling with addiction. This pushes them further into denial and rebellion. How can they accept their vulnerability if their loved ones are judgmental and condemning?
Fear of relapse
Some of the people struggling with addiction know that they need help but can’t accept it due to fear of relapse.
Accepting help means being ready to be accountable. Some of those struggling with addiction may fail to seek treatment because they fear disappointing their loved ones in case of relapse.
Relapse can lead to shame and guilt given the personal and social expectations after treatment. But relapse doesn’t mean that treatment wasn’t successful. It’s part of the recovery journey. All we need to do is to rise up and keep walking.
Do involuntary rehab admissions work?
There comes a time when the only option the family has is to force the loved one into a rehab facility.
As explained earlier, involuntary admissions are recommended if the person struggling with addiction presents with psychosis. Psychosis refers to a collection of symptoms that affect the mind hence leading to a loss of contact with reality.
These symptoms include hallucinations, excessive paranoia, brain fogginess, unusual or overly intense ideas, strange feelings, lack of feelings, self-neglect, confused speech, flight of ideas, racing thoughts etc.
The family may also force a loved one into the rehab if they are threatening to harm themselves or others. Involuntary rehab admission is also recommended if the patient is in the imminent self-destructive path.
Contrary to what many people assume, involuntary rehab admissions do work. Many involuntary rehab admissions gain their Eureka moment during the treatment process. The best rehabs in Kenya use the rolling with resistant technique to encourage involuntary admissions to gain insight.
Drugs and Alcohol addiction recovery tools
The addiction recovery journey is a tedious one. You need a sobriety toolbox to make it in this journey.
The sobriety toolbox is equipped with the tools to make the recovery journey easier. Moreover, it includes tools to help your loved one stay on the recovery track. Below are some of the tools included in the sobriety toolbox.
Counselling helps address the underlying causes of addiction. Maybe your loved one’s addiction is as a result of childhood trauma, loss and grief, poor stress coping mechanisms, clinical depression, etc.
Professional counselling helps them bring to the conscious the repressed childhood trauma and process the bottled-up emotions in a healthy way. Research shows that nearly 70% of addiction cases have childhood trauma as the underlying cause.
Primrose Rehab and Wellness is one of the few rehabs in Kenya that offer a trauma-focused addiction treatment.
Therapy also helps deal with loss and grief and equips them with effective stress management skills. It also helps you as a family member support the loved one struggling with addiction effectively.
You should only seek therapy from a qualified expert. Be extra careful since there are many quacks out there calling themselves professional counselors.
Support groups
Support groups such as the Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) group are also quite helpful. Addiction support groups bring together people who share the common desire to overcome their drug or alcohol addiction.
The support groups include people in active addiction and those in recovery. These groups offer emotional and moral support. They are a great recovery resource since those in active addiction can learn from those who have managed soberness for many years. Moreover, they give the person struggling with addiction a sense of belongingness and purpose.
The best rehab programs in Kenya ensure that their patients are in a support group by the time they are completing the program. Primrose Rehab and Wellness organizes support groups for the family members of people struggling with addiction.
The 12 steps program applies spiritual principles to establish guidelines to overcome alcohol addiction and other forms of addiction.
It’s a highly effective program adopted by AA groups and treatment centers globally. The program encourages the person struggling with addiction to accept their powerlessness over addiction and surrender to the God of their understanding.
It also encourages them to conduct a search and fearless moral inventory of themselves and ask God for forgiveness. They are also encouraged to make a list of the people they’ve harmed and make a sincere apology.
It’s only when we accept our own weaknesses and surrender to a higher being that good things happen. It takes a lot of humility to accept our own weaknesses.
The recovery journey is easier for those who are ready to learn. Learning helps the person struggling with addiction understand themselves and hence determine what works in their recovery journey.
There are many learning resources on the web. For instance, they can watch Youtube videos about people who have overcome different type of addictions. There are also expert resources on Youtube channels such as this one.
Family members of people struggling with addiction should also invest in learning about addiction. Education helps you deal with the emotional pain and stress resulting from your loved one’s addiction. It also helps you learn how to help them without enabling their addictive behaviors.
Medications and supplements
There are many medications and supplements out there to help your loved one in their recovery journey.
Some of these meds reduce cravings while others induce nausea when the person taking them takes alcohol. This discourages them from taking alcohol. Any type of medication should be prescribed by a qualified doctor.
Some supplements are known to reduce the cravings for drugs and alcohol. They also help the body heal from the damages caused by the substance abuse. The table below highlights popular supplements and their role in addiction recovery.
B-Complex Vitamins
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Vitamin D
Prevents dopamine-depleting effects of substance abuse
Reduces the severity of alcohol-use disorders
Minimizes the cravings for opioids
Vitamin C
There are many other supplements out there to help you manage substance use disorders. You should do a thorough due diligence since not all the supplements in the market are worth their salt.
Primrose Rehab and Wellness is among the very few rehabs in Kenya that offer education about the supplements for addiction recovery. I will do a longer post on the supplements for addiction recovery in the near future.
Best rehabs in Kenya – Final Word!
We have covered some of the important things you need to know about the addiction treatment process and rehabs in Kenya.
Drug and alcohol addiction is a serious brain disease. Consequently, it takes a huge commitment and discipline to overcome it. The disease requires long-life management given how easy it’s to relapse.
Even when you have stayed sober for many years, you are always a step away from relapsing. This is because addiction creates permanent pathways in the brain. These pathways make it easy to relapse.
Addiction is a complicated disease and hence you can’t talk a person out of addiction. The best treatment model for drug and alcohol addiction takes a biopsychosocial approach.
This means that a medical doctor and a professional addiction therapist must be involved. Moreover, treatment is likely to be effective if there is a spiritual awakening. We therefore work hand in hand with the spiritual leaders introduced to us by our patients.
Please reach out to me via email [email protected] or call me +254726883960 for inquiries. Comment below if you have any questions about addiction treatment and rehabs in Kenya.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find a good rehab center in Kenya?
There are hundreds of rehabs in Kenya today. Unfortunately, not all are worth their salt. You need to do thorough due diligence to identify the best rehabs. There are many things to consider apart from cost. A good rehab should be relatively priced and treat patients and their families with dignity. Moreover, it should operate in full transparency and shouldn’t deny patients and their family members’ treatment information.
Which are the affordable rehabs in Kenya?
Rehabs charge a monthly fee for inpatient programs. The monthly fee ranges from ksh20000 to ksh150000. You must consider quality when looking for an affordable rehab. Ask about the program and follow-up to know if the center has enough and qualified staff. Always remember that cheap is expensive. Some low cost rehabs are known to lockup patients without offering them any medical and psychological help. Please note that this doesn’t mean that all low cost rehabs are bad. Moreover, there are expensive rehabs that do not offer quality programs.
Which insurance covers cater for rehabs in Kenya?
The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) caters for a part of the addiction treatment cost. It’s still unclear if there will be any changes in the newly introduced SHIF. Some private insurers also cater for drug and substance use disorders rehabilitation.
Do all rehabs beat their patients?
There are cases of some rehabs in Kenya beating up patients. This is extremely wrong since treatment is not punishment. All patients must be treated with dignity and love. You can sue the treatment center if your loved one is abused under their care. Addiction treatment centers have a responsibility of identifying aggressive patients and take precautionary measures.
Are there any free government rehabs in Kenya?
There are no free inpatient rehabs in Kenya. Sinai Outpatient Rehab center is the only outpatient free rehab in Nairobi. This rehab is owned by the Nairobi County. The center claims to offer treatment for substance abuse and co-occuring conditions.
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7 个月Very Informative Thanks
8 个月Good read and insightful.Keep up the good work!