The Best Problem A Founder Can Solve Is One They Have Faced

In today’s world, one can easily assume that everyone has access to traditional banking service. Unfortunately, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation found that 7% of U.S. households do not have traditional savings or checking account, and 20% are “underbanked,” which means they have do not have access to a full range of financial services within their banking institution, such as a personal loan. Rohit Mittal, 30, and Priyank Singh, 31, have founded Stilt to provide credit to immigrants and other underserved banking populations in the U.S. The San Francisco-based startup was a part of Y Combinator’s Winter 2016 batch and has raised $2.8 million to date in funding.

Frederick Daso: How did your team identify your ideal customer?

Rohit Mittal: It was straightforward for us because we were the customers of our product. We created Stilt to help people who are almost exactly like us. When we founded the company, our product was only for international students who had graduated from a U.S.-based school and wanted money to relocate to a different area for their new job. Most of those customers were in our network already. Some of them were our friends and others who were in the same general vicinity as us.

We slowly grew out of that initial customer segment once we refined our product.

Daso: You found it better to start with a specific set of customers fitting a specific demographical profile versus identifying and address a broader, more varied consumer base.

Mittal: Right. For us, starting a business was the last resort. We went around and tried to look for solutions to help our friends and help ourselves, but we couldn’t find any. After a certain point, we said let’s try doing this ourselves on the side. Initially, we weren’t thinking about starting a company and making it big. We just wanted to help a few of our friends get access to money to relocate for their jobs after they graduated.

This approach worked out for us well because by targeting our product to this small audience, those people turn into happy customers who tell others about how you’ve benefited them.

Daso: The power of word-of-mouth can’t be beaten, especially when it comes to boosting the visibility and demand of an early-stage startup’s product.

Mittal: Right.

Daso: Initially developing a solution to this problem, how did you find out that other people were experiencing the problem in the same way that you were?

Mittal: We knew from our personal experience that there’s a small set of international students who were experiencing the same problem. Mainly, we were surprised to discover a more significant population that suffers from some variation of the problem. When we started, we didn’t know how many people faced these kinds of issues.

Daso: What led you to discover that more people struggled with different variants of the problem?

Mittal: It was a bit serendipitous for us to find out there was a more significant set of people outside of us international students who needed help. People found out about us in two ways. The first way was we participated in a startup weekend competition. Our team thought it would be fun to go to a startup weekend and present it to people. Funnily enough, we ended up winning that competition with a slight variation of our initial idea. As a part of that, we had to talk with a few people, build a website, and build a prototype of our product. We put all of our work out on the web for the competition, allowing us to reach more customers as the competition was underway.

The second way we discovered more people grappling with the issues we were trying to solve was that I had written an answer on Quora about what our startup was doing and how our solution helps our customers. My response got a lot of views and clicks and ended up increasing traffic to our site. As each new user signed up, I personally called them to reach out and learn more about their background.

Daso: That’s impressive that you call potential customers as you acquire them to learn what drew them to Stilt in more detail. That’s some dedication. For startups that are working to develop their product for an initial beachhead market or their first set of customers, what advice would you give to them?

Mittal: Ideally, getting to your initial set of customers becomes much easier when you have faced the problem yourself. Since we have encountered not having access to money, we know our what websites our users read and what resources they use because we’ve been down that road as well. We know where to find our users based on our own experiences. It becomes easy to talk to them and reach more people through that first group.

Through this initial outreach, you’re able to find someone else who is not a part of your core set of users because your solution is valuable enough. You should be aware enough to realize this new person doesn’t belong to the core group that I created the product for and figure out what value-add this additional user is gaining from our solution.

It’s a good idea to keep continually talking to customers when your user base is small and incorporate their feedback to build the product they want.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and brevity.

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This story was first published on Forbes.


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