Best Practices in Working Two Full Time Jobs at the Same Time

Best Practices in Working Two Full Time Jobs at the Same Time

If corporations aren't going to respect their #humanresources, why not multitask and work two full-time jobs at the same time? Let's discuss a few best practices in this regard.


Start with acknowledging that the goal is not to hold good work, but rather satisfying work. Be mindful of the distinction, because tat will determine how uch time you spend on each which is key to balancing two jobs. Of course, you should priority te job that is most demanding first and slow down the productivity for the other one.

Having a personal firewall where this becomes hidden from your coworkers is crucial. In my career, I have ran across more than a few employees who pulled this off in working for very boring insurance companies in cultures that love meetings.


I would suggest having two separate cell phones and do not merge calendars. Create blocks (focus time, in transit, Do not schedule, personal appointment, check email, review xxx, Phone call…etc) on the calendar if you know meetings are coming from another job. Some managers love to screw with employees and will likely ask you to reschedule whatever is blocking a so-called important meeting during that slot.

If you are an Office 365 shop, remember that you can make calendar entries private which is especially important in shops where they want calendars to be 100% public.

Get good and communication. If another employee calls you, consider switching up and contacting them via messaging. Say that you saw them online as available and did not want to hesitate to make contact. It may be OK to let them know you are in another meeting but wanted to respond to them. You have to expend energy in re-baselining the habits of others.

Do not waste time questioning whether this is ethical as your employer sooner or later may take unethical steps related to your employment. Only you will look out for your best interests. Making ends meet in a declining economy should be job number one. Of course, I would not recommend doing any of this especially if you suffer from high blood pressure as the additional stress will most certainly harm you.


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