Best Practices for UI and UX Design

Best Practices for UI and UX Design

Did you know that a useful User Interface can increase conversion rates by up to 200%? And that, with good UX, that figure can double and reach 400%?

Pay attention to these best practices to deliver the interfaces and experiences real users choose and love!?

1. Jakob's Law

Users are likely to expect your product to work the same way similar products work. Common design patterns allow users to operate your product more easily! Think of shopping cart icons on ecommerce sites and hamburger mobile menus.

2. Hick's Law

Decision times increase with the number and complexity of available options. This law focuses on minimizing available options to facilitate task achievement. Breaking complex tasks into easier, smaller steps can reduce cognitive load.?

3. Law of Proximity

Users tend to assume that objects or elements close to each other have similar traits. Proximity can create a visual connection between elements, helping users understand information faster and more efficiently.?

Eager to know more best practices to master UI and UX Design? We have a dedicated post with over 20 principles you can follow! Check it out and get in touch! We master the art and science of delivering outstanding and functional experiences. ??

