The best practices for an A+ Sexual Health Rating in a Historically Black College & University?
Tyrone Brackens, MBA ?????
Social Entrepreneur | Founder of Holistic Soul Counseling | | Championing Emotional Wellness
Enter my freshman year, a sea of endless possibilities, and a new world has just unfolded. I am young, dumb, and a narrow-minded virgin. The pool from which I can exert my manhood has broadened, and it's a game of cat and mouse. The women are beautiful, and the scene is breathtaking. Registration is complete. I got my roommate. Keycard and saw a few friends from high school while the frats were out and lurking in the shadows.
My mind is racing with thousands of thoughts. Where is my crew? How can I establish myself amid so much competition? Is my wardrobe in check? Do I smell good? I am already behind the ball. I came to college with no car, and the parking lot was full of excellent vehicles. How do I find my place in the world of Higher Education?
Ok, play it cool and pretend to act like a fit. Go to your classes and figure out what it will take to make college work for me. Before I got to college, the Relationships, romantic engagements, and side chicks had all cleared the deck, as my slate was clean unless I met someone from back home who knew my past.
Stay calm, and never let them see your sweat. By the way, it's a 75-degree sunny day, and the yard is packed. The Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are a little more experienced, but that's it. Nobody knows that sex is more important than college itself right now, but I will keep it cool and play my cards exactly.
My brother, who went to Winston-Salem State University, told me that just because they are talking doesn’t mean they are screwing. In a nutshell, looks can be deceiving. Play the hand you were dealt wisely. You should already observe that many of the upperclassmen live off campus. At this point in the game, you want to keep your surroundings. Take in the essence of what you are up against.
Are you a nerd? Do you like studying? Where does your academic fatigue level sit? A balance is critical for going after the ultimate prize, “A+ Rating.†What is an “A+†rating? I am glad you asked so to listen up closely.
An “A+†rating is the ability to make it to your Senior year without having encountered the following.
· An STD
· Aids/HIV
· Unprotected Sex
· Pornography (really hard to do I get it)
· More than 6 clinical visits
· 25 hours of Drunk Sex
· Orgies
· Less Risky Behaviors
· Oral Sex
Just so you think I am crazy check this out. This is an article from these professionals Tanya Telfair LeBlanc, PhD, MS, Madeline Y. Sutton, MD, MPH, Peter Thomas, PhD, MPH, and Wayne A. Duffus, MD, PhD
HIV and STI Risk for Young Blacks in High Prevalence Areas: Implications for Health Equity in Communities Hosting Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
Peep These findings.
Results suggest a high HIV and STI disease burden in the general population of persons ages 15–24 in 10 states with 4 or more Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and an overall high rate of HIV and STI exposure in the pool of potential sex partners. Less risky behavior by minority young adults attending HBCUs could potentially translate to a high risk of contracting the diseases because of the high prevalence in surrounding communities.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's get into what it means to move differently when it comes to your sexual health. First and foremost, your hormones will be raging in college for those who carry substantial sex drives.
The repressed emotion of sex was something you grew accustomed to before you got to college. But Higher Education is a different animal depending on what school you have chosen to educate yourself at. Although I am speaking from a Historically Black College & University context, PWI is not exclusive in this case.
One of the things you must learn when it comes to your sexual health is the lack of information that you have received about your own sexuality and sensual nature. You are not a sexualized beast that wants to FU*# every chick you see. You are not what White Racism deems as unfit to lead your household, community, or country.
Hollywood has painted a picture of the black man, but that doesn't represent you. You must step outside the toxic masculinity norms of social media and white America, plain and simple. To do this, you need knowledge of what healthy masculine norms look like and information to not succumb to the pressures of your peers.
I don't care about the money in your bank account, your jewelry, what type of car you may own someday, or your looks. None of that matters if, after your leave college, herpes is your best friend, and you have screwed 30 chicks in the process.
Don't hustle backward and only mess with the chicks that like you and not those you like. It's ok to make friends and become a model student for others to look up to, but don't let women blind you to your insecurities and fears you may have about your sexuality.
I am not saying find you a chick and stay with her until you graduate. I am also not suggesting keeping running in and out of women to lose sight of the rating. Many men still need to improve in their pursuit of the A+ rating. The A+ rating is the standard, but it doesn't have to keep you trapped in the pigeon coup.
I am making you aware of what isn't visibly noticeable. I was at an HBCU for five years and can side with the sentiments of a black college experience. Trust me, I understand the pressures of attending an all-black stratosphere.
The Best Practices
Keep Your Sexuality Grounded (Don’t jump on the merry-go-round of the chicks that are getting passed around)
Study The Sexual Health Game (Observe who is catching what and keep yourself free from STDs)
Take a Break (In between Sexual Partners give yourself a 6-week hiatus. Stop jumping from box to box)
Go after the one that likes you, not the one you Like (Never appear to be a thirsty Simp acting like you are a lady’s man)
Wear Condoms (If you don’t have a year or more in the game with the chick never go raw; unless you find out she is cheating)
Go to Counseling (See a Sex therapist if possible. It's not about addiction but the information that will come from the experience.)
Gird your loins (Never rape, sexually assault, or take anything sexually from any woman).
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