Best Practices in Moving to EDA
Event-driven architecture (EDA) is experiencing a resurgence in interest with the rise of microservices. According to Wikipedia,
Event-driven architecture?(EDA) is a?software architecture?paradigm promoting the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to?events.
To learn more about EDA, including its origin and evolution, you can read my previous article From Event-Driven Architectures to Reactive Systems posted here.
In this article, I am going to share a set of useful best practices that I have learnt over the years working with enterprise application development and integration. They have already proved, and keep proving their value over and over again.
Here they are in no particular order:
1. Events are immutable
By definition events represent facts that have already happened. That is why they should be named as past simple verbs.
2. Communicate events asynchronously
Use some messaging infrastructure/fabric. A message broker with pub/sub capabilities is required, whether on-prem or managed in the cloud.
3. Producers must guarantee “at least once” delivery
Event producers and message brokers must work together to make sure that no message is accidentally lost.
Source: At-least-once Delivery
4. Consumers must guarantee “at most once” delivery
Make sure your message broker will be able to filter out duplicated messages for your particular use case (e.g. a potentially long time window) before blindly counting on it. Otherwise event consumers either must be able to identify and discard retransmitted events (deduplication) or process events in an idempotent fashion.
Source: Exactly-once Delivery
5. Consumers must be able to handle out-of-order messages
Depending on your use case, ordered message delivery might be required. Message brokers offer the ability to ensure that messages are delivered in the order they are received. However, this can be expensive to support and, in fact, at times gives a false sense of security. In the end nondeterministic inputs will lead to nondeterministic outputs.
Event consumers must be designed so that message ordering can be relaxed and they still can eventually achieve a consistent view of the world. The overhead required to relax the ordering is nominal and in most cases is significantly less than enforcing ordering in the message broker.
6. Commands are different from events
Commands are messages that express intent (usually modelled as verbs). They can be transmitted?asynchronously?(fire and forget) but also?synchronously?(request-response). This is particularly important when a response is immediately required, e.g. the command might be rejected.
7. Define schemas for all events
In other words adopt a?contract-first approach. Be mindful when designing your events, they are as important as all other data stored on databases. For example, event granularity might affect the architecture’s overall performance.
8. Define a versioning policy?from day 1
Your business requirements will inevitably change and so the events exchanged across the architecture. Some useful tips are:
9. Avoid Upcasting?at all costs
Event upcasting means to transform it from its original structure to its new structure. Upcasters add technical debt IMHO. Some cons:
10. Segregate event streams
Each service/aggregate owns its event stream.
11. Event Sourcing is not architectural pattern, Event-Driven is
Event Sourcing is not even mandatory. If adopted, use it wisely as design pattern where it makes sense rather than everywhere.
Source:?Pattern - Event sourcing
12. Event Sourcing does not replace auditing, if it is required
Audit trails should include activities generated by users, by applications, and by the runtime environment itself. Auditing is supposed to allow administrators to answer the following questions:
13. Use a proper event store if implementing Event Sourcing
Event stores are not just message brokers. In particular?Kafka is not an event store?as it does not support:
14. Use DDD Aggregates
Consider your domain aggregates when modelling your architectural components/services. They cluster entities and value objects and define boundaries that govern transactions and distribution. An aggregate must not outgrow its service.
Source: Domain Driven Design Distilled - Vaughn Vernon
15. There must not be transactions that span events
Events signal state transitions in a distributed system. That means events must leave a service/aggregate in a consistent state after being applied.
16. Embrace eventual consistency
Data integrity and consistency exist only within aggregates. Across boundaries, handle updates asynchronously.
Source: Domain Driven Design Distilled - Vaughn Vernon