Best practices for hardening and auditing your server (not beginner-friendly)
1.??????Update and upgrade your Linux packages
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
2.??????Install rkhunter tool to check rootkit in Linux server
$ sudo apt install rkhunter -y
3.??????Run rkhunter to check root kit trace
$ rkhunter --check
4.??????Install Lynis
$ apt-get install lynis
5.??????Run a basic audit scan
$ lynis audit system
6.??????Review all the reports and change accordingly if required
7.??????Download and install and update ?maldet malware detection program
$ git clone
$ cd linux-malware-detect/
$ ./
$ maldet -d && maldet -u
8.??????Run a maldet scan to check malware in the system
$ maldet -a /
9.???????Check the report for further action
10.????Check ssh config file in
$nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
11.??Change port to 8022 from 22 make sure your firewall allow port 8022
12.??Create a user with sudo access
$ useradd -m username -s /bin/bash
$ usermod -aG sudo username
13.??Add ssh key to the server for access
$ mkdir /home/username/.ssh && touch /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ nano /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys
##put you ssh pubic key there
14.??Set proper permission to ssh folder
$ chmod 700 /home/username/.ssh && chmod 600 /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chown -R username:username? /home/username/.ssh/
15.??Setup password for new user
$passwd username
16.??Disable root login and password-based authentication (test user login using key before change)
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
17.??Restart the ssh service to take effect
$ service ssh restart
18.??Check open ports in the server and close unnecessary open ports.
$ Sudo netstat -tulpn
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