Best Practices - AngularJS Development
In order to ensure the success and longevity of your application, it is important to follow best practices during the development process. AngularJS, a popular open-source JavaScript framework supported by Google, is no exception. Our team of experienced developers has compiled a list of the top five best practices for AngularJS development based on their own expertise and insights. By following these recommendations, you can create high-quality applications using AngularJS.
Some best practices for code when using AngularJS include using small and pure functions. These functions are easy to test and maintain, and pure functions only provide output based on the input without altering it. It is also recommended to divide your code into separate modules, each responsible for a specific functionality. Use the "controller as" syntax to make specific data available, and return promises from data cells. Following these practices can help ensure your code is organized, efficient, and easy to maintain.
2. Organizing Files
As you develop your AngularJS application, it's important to consider the structure and organization of your code. One way to do this is by using the Angular-seed project, a skeleton of a typical AngularJS application, or by using a tool like Yeoman to create a skeleton and add tools like Grunt and Bower. It's important to review the appropriateness of these tools for your specific project and consider the nature of your app to ensure optimal and appropriate use. Additionally, consider using small, pure functions, dividing your code into separate modules with each module responsible for a single functionality, and using the controller as syntax and only making specific data available. To ensure efficient data management, consider returning promises from data cells. These practices can help ensure the success and sustainability of your AngularJS application.
3. Using HTML Extensions
AngularJS is a powerful framework for building frontend applications, and following best practices can help ensure the success and sustainability of your application. One such practice is to use small and pure functions, and to divide your code into separate modules, each with a single responsibility. Additionally, it is important to use the controller as syntax to make specific data available and to return promises from data cells. Another best practice is to structure your files and consider the use of tools like Angular-seed and Yeoman. Finally, it is recommended to use AngularJS directives for DOM manipulation rather than modifying the DOM directly.
4. Checking the Digest Cycle
Improving the performance of your AngularJS app is an important aspect of development. One way to gauge the performance of your app is through the digest cycle, which monitors changes in variables. A shorter digest cycle means that your app will run more efficiently, resulting in a better user experience. It is important to optimize the performance of your app to ensure it responds quickly and effectively.
5. Restrict the Numbers of Watchers
It is important to optimize the performance of your AngularJS application by limiting the number of watchers. The more data bindings and scopes you create, the longer the digest cycle will be. To avoid delays, it is essential to minimize the number of watchers in your app. By doing so, you can ensure that your application responds quickly, improving user satisfaction.
We hope this article about best practices to be followed while development of projects in AngularJS has provided you valuable insights.
At Ways and Means Technology Private Limited, we pride ourselves on offering comprehensive AngularJS Development services to our clients. Our team of skilled developers has the experience and expertise to deliver exceptional solutions for your business needs, including custom Angular development, hybrid application creation, API and backend development, UI/UX design, version migration, IT support, and maintenance for multifaceted technology projects. Allow us to support you in bringing your vision to fruition and helping your business succeed.