The Best Practices of Accountability
Kae Wagner
Award-winning/Best Selling Author ~ Founder, North Star Marketing and the Bold Authors Network ~ Helping Authors Become Bold Promoters, sell more books & back-end programs. Join us for the weekly Bold Authors PROMO HOUR.
?? Best Practices for Accountable Leadership: Elevate, Execute, Engage in 2024 ??
Greetings, dear readers! As we usher in the third quarter of 2023, the spotlight turns to leaders — those at the helm of teams, projects, and organizations who are planning for 2024.
The nuances of leadership are vast and varied, but a core pillar remains evergreen: Accountability. What sets accountable leaders apart? How can one integrate accountability seamlessly into leadership practices? Allow us to share the Best Practices for Accountable Leadership that can shape, elevate, and transform your leadership journey.
?? PQ Tip: Leaders, start by integrating one best practice into your routine this week. As you witness its impact, layer on more practices. Remember, in the realm of accountable leadership, the journey matters as much as the destination.
Dive deep with us as we unpack each practice, offering actionable strategies, real-life anecdotes, and transformative reflections in the weeks to come.
Cheers to a year where leadership not only directs but also uplifts, inspires, and transforms!
(PS > Accountability is not for sissies...nor is it for bullies. We'll discuss this much more in future newsletters.)
Great news to share with you! Just received a heads up! from my publisher that my book, Leadership GLUE: How to be the GLUE in Your Business without Getting Stuck in the Daily Grind has hit the top bestseller list for Barnes and Noble. So excited to get Leadership GLUE out to leaders who want more freedom in their businesses. Get your copy here: and leave a review here:
Reviews drive book interest and sales so thanks in advance for leaving one for Leadership GLUE. Here are some of our Five Star Reviews:
Reviewed in the United States on January 18, 2023
Leadership GLUE is an excellent book for the small business owner. Many owners are so busy doing what they do to grow their business that they fail to see the big picture. In my experience as a financial advisor, many owners are so busy in the day to day running of their business that they fail to develop leaders to help them grow their business and eventually take it over. Kae has set up the way to make this happen and increase the business owner's quality of life along the way.
Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2022
Leadership GLUE: Be the GLUE in Your Business Without Getting Stuck in the Daily Grind by Kae Wagner is an impactful and well-written business book that can improve your leadership skills. You can become the leader that holds everything together, becoming the cohesive force, like glue, that permeates the workplace. Written in clear and helpful language, there are plenty of diagrams and illustrations that help describe the author's salient points. Making your team work together effectively is the goal of all business leaders, and this book will guide you on your way. Recommended.
Reviewed in the United States on December 5, 2022
"Leadership Glue" by Kae Wagner is a fantastic tool. To assist us in succeeding, Kae draws on her profession and extensive experience in market research, marketing, and leader development. The writer has provided exceptional insights on how to develop extraordinary leadership skills. The author has discussed in depth the strategies and tactics that can be adapted to achieve successful leadership. This is the perfect book if you are interested in improving your leadership skills. I really enjoyed this read. It is an easy book to understand, and full of valuable information that you can apply right way. Everyone should read this book. It will open your mind a lot. Highly recommended!