Best Practice using Spring Data JPA
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Best Practice using Spring Data JPA

As backend developers, our work is heavily centered around databases. In this realm, Spring Boot is a framework I frequently rely on. A key component of this framework is Spring Data JPA, an API that excels at data handling. Its significance in our development process cannot be overstated.

It’s not just a tool; it’s a powerful tool that can significantly enhance our development process, giving us the confidence and capability to tackle complex data management tasks efficiently.

The default annotations that people mostly use are:

  • @Repository: a marker or annotation for a class that fulfills the Data Access Object (DAO) role.
  • @Query: an annotation that allows developers to use native queries.

Over time, we’ve all encountered common challenges, such as slow queries, managing complex relationships, understanding complex native queries, or optimizing interface efficiency. Many of us have faced these issues, and it’s essential to address them to enhance our development process. Remember, these challenges are not unique to you. We’re all in this together.

Basic Concept

When using the Spring Data JPA, we can use several repository options: Repository, CrudRepository, PagingAndSortingRepository, and JpaRepository.


The Repository is the most basic interface, primarily without any methods. It doesn’t provide any functionality but serves as a base interface for all other repository interfaces in Spring Data JPA.

public interface MyRepository extends Repository<MyEntity, Long> {
    // No predefined methods

I recommend using something other than this interface because it lacks functionality. Using one of the different repository interfaces that provide the specific functionality you need is more efficient.

Crud Repository

The CrudRepository interface provides CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. It’s a good starting point if you need basic data access capabilities without sorting or pagination.

public interface MyRepository extends CrudRepository<MyEntity, Long> {
    // Basic CRUD methods are provided

Some basic methods we can use are:

  • save(S entity): Saving a given entity
  • findById(ID id): Retrieves an entity by its id
  • existsById(ID id): Returns whether an entity with the given id exists
  • findAll(): Returns all entities
  • deleteById(ID id): Deletes the entity with the given id

Paging And Sorting Repository

The PagingAndSortingRepository adds methods for pagination and sorting. This can be useful when handling large datasets and displaying data on pages. This method also concludes the CRUD operations.

public interface MyRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<MyEntity, Long> {
    // CRUD methods plus paging and sorting

This interface provides a convenient way to handle large datasets and display data on pages without complex manual pagination or sorting code.

The additional methods for this interface are:

  • findAll(Pageable pageable): Returns a Page of entities meeting the paging restriction provided in the Pageable object.
  • findAll(Sort sort): Returns all entities sorted by the given options.

Jpa Repository

This interface adds JPA-specific methods and provides a complete set of JPA-related methods, such as batch operations, custom queries, and flushes. This makes it the most powerful and versatile option for JPA applications.

public interface MyRepository extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, Long> {
    // Full set of CRUD methods, paging, sorting, and JPA-specific methods

This interface provides a comprehensive set of methods for JPA-related operations, allowing you to perform various tasks without additional interfaces or custom code.

Using JpaRepository, you can define custom query methods by following the naming convention findBy followed by the property name. Spring Data JPA will automatically generate the query based on the method name.

public interface MyRepository extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, Long> {

    // Finds an entity by its ID
    Optional<MyEntity> findById(Long id);
    // Finds all entities with the given name
    List<MyEntity> findByName(String name);
    // Finds entities where age is greater than a given value
    List<MyEntity> findByAgeGreaterThan(int age);
    // Finds entities where the status is active
    List<MyEntity> findByStatus(String status);

Why Choose JpaRepository?

  • Comprehensive Functionality: It combines CRUD, pagination, sorting, and JPA-specific operations within one interface.
  • Convenience: Simplifies code by providing all necessary methods out of the box.
  • Performance: Optimizes performance with batch operations and flush control.
  • Flexibility: Allows custom query methods and supports JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) and native SQL queries.

Using Specification and Criteria Builder

When working with Spring Data JPA, sometimes we need more complex queries that can’t be easily achieved with simple query methods. This is where Specifications and Criteria Builder come into play, as they allow you to build dynamic queries and handle complex scenarios.


Specification is a functional interface in Spring Data JPA that creates dynamic queries based on JPA criteria. It provides a way to build queries programmatically. It is advantageous when the query criteria are unknown at compile time.

A Specification has a single method, toPredicate, which constructs a Predicate based on the criteria.

import javax.persistence.criteria.*;

public class MyEntitySpecification {
    public static Specification<MyEntity> hasName(String name) {
        return (Root<MyEntity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) -> {
            return cb.equal(root.get("name"), name);

Once you have defined your specifications, you can use them in your repository.


public interface MyEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<MyEntity> {
    // JpaRepository methods plus JpaSpecificationExecutor methods

// Example usage
Specification<MyEntity> spec = MyEntitySpecification.hasName("John Doe");
List<MyEntity> results = myEntityRepository.findAll(spec);        

Criteria Builder

The Criteria Builder API is a part of JPA and allows for creating type-safe queries. It provides a way to construct queries dynamically using Java objects rather than hard-coded strings.

To use Criteria Builder, you must obtain an instance from the EntityManager.

import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.persistence.criteria.*;
import java.util.List;

public class MyEntityService {
    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public List<MyEntity> findByName(String name) {
        CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<MyEntity> query = cb.createQuery(MyEntity.class);
        Root<MyEntity> root = query.from(MyEntity.class);

        // Constructing the query"name"), name));

        return entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList();

You can combine multiple criteria to build more complex queries. For example, you can combine conditions using and and or.

public class MyEntitySpecification {
    public static Specification<MyEntity> hasName(String name) {
        return (Root<MyEntity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) -> {
            return cb.equal(root.get("name"), name);

    public static Specification<MyEntity> hasStatus(String status) {
        return (Root<MyEntity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) -> {
            return cb.equal(root.get("status"), status);

    public static Specification<MyEntity> hasAgeGreaterThan(int age) {
        return (Root<MyEntity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) -> {
            return cb.greaterThan(root.get("age"), age);

    public static Specification<MyEntity> hasNameAndStatus(String name, String status) {
        return (Root<MyEntity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) -> {
            Predicate namePredicate = cb.equal(root.get("name"), name);
            Predicate statusPredicate = cb.equal(root.get("status"), status);
            return cb.and(namePredicate, statusPredicate);

// Example usage
Specification<MyEntity> spec = MyEntitySpecification.hasNameAndStatus("John Doe", "active");
List<MyEntity> results = myEntityRepository.findAll(spec);        

Combining multiple specifications can create more flexible and reusable query conditions.

Specification<MyEntity> spec = Specification.where(MyEntitySpecification.hasName("Jane Doe"))
List<MyEntity> results = myEntityRepository.findAll(spec);        

Tips and Tricks

Following some tips and tricks is essential to maximizing Spring Data JPA. These can help you optimize your application, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure your code is maintainable and efficient.

1.Use Lazy Loading

By default, relationships in JPA are set to FetchType.LAZY, which means that related entities are not loaded from the database until they are accessed. While this can save resources, it can also lead to the N+1 select problem if mishandled.

Best practice: Use lazy loading for large or rarely accessed relationships. For frequently accessed relationships, consider using eager loading.

public class MyEntity {
    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "myEntity")
    private List<RelatedEntity> relatedEntities;

2.Optimize Your Queries

Avoid running multiple queries when a single, well-constructed query can do the job. When necessary, use JPQL, Criteria API, or native queries to optimize performance.

Best practice: Use custom queries or Specifications to combine related queries into a single database hit.

@Query("SELECT e FROM MyEntity e JOIN FETCH e.relatedEntities WHERE = :name")
List<MyEntity> findByNameWithRelatedEntities(@Param("name") String name);        

3.Utilize Caching

Caching can significantly improve your application’s performance by reducing the number of database hits. Spring has provided easy integration with caching solutions like Ehcache, Hazelcast, and others.

Best practice: Cache frequently accessed data that doesn’t change often.

public List<MyEntity> findAll() {
    return myEntityRepository.findAll();

4.Batch Processing

When saving or deleting multiple entities, batch processing can reduce the number of database round-trips and improve performance.

Best practice: Use saveAll for batch inserts and deleteInBatch for batch deletes.

public void saveEntities(List<MyEntity> entities) {

public void deleteEntities(List<MyEntity> entities) {

5.Proper Transaction Management

Ensure your database operations are correctly wrapped in tractions to maintain data integrity. Use Spring’s Transactional annotation to manage transactions.

Best practice: Use @Transactional at the service layer to ensure that all operations within a method are part of a single transaction.

public class MyEntityService {

    public void updateEntities(List<MyEntity> entities) {
        for (MyEntity entity : entities) {

6.Avoid the N+1 Select Problem

The N+1 select problem occurs when an application makes N+1 database queries to fetch a collection of N entities, each with its own related entities, which can severely impact performance.

Best practice: Use JOIN FETCH in your JPQL queries to fetch related entities in a single query.

@Query("SELECT e FROM MyEntity e JOIN FETCH e.relatedEntities WHERE e.status = :status")
List<MyEntity> findByStatusWithRelatedEntities(@Param("status") String status);        

7.Logging and Monitoring

Enable SQL logging during development to understand the queries generated by Hibernate. This can help identify and optimize inefficient queries.

Best practice: Use logging to monitor SQL queries and performance metrics.        

8.Handle Projections

Sometimes, you need only a few fields rather than the entire entity. Use projections to select only the necessary data.

Best practice: Use projections to fetch only the required fields, reducing the data transferred from the database.

public interface MyEntityProjection {
    String getName();
    String getStatus();

@Query("SELECT AS name, e.status AS status FROM MyEntity e WHERE e.age > :age")
List<MyEntityProjection> findNamesAndStatusesByAge(@Param("age") int age);        

9.Use Views

Sometimes, your select query becomes more complex. Creating a virtual table or table views can help simplify data access.

Best practice: Using views can simplify the SELECT statement, reducing complexity and avoiding potential errors.


Mastering Spring Data JPA can significantly enhance your ability to develop efficient application data access layers. By following best practices, such as using the appropriate repository interfaces, leveraging specifications and criteria builders for dynamic queries, and optimizing your queries and transactions, you can ensure that your applications perform well and scale effectively.

Remember, Spring Data JPA is a powerful tool, but like any tool, it requires practical understanding and care. By applying the tips and tricks and continuously learning and improving your skills, you can become a proficient developer and build high-quality applications that meet your users’ needs.


Fullstack Software Engineer - Scrum Master @Java SE 8 Oracle & @Professional Scrum Master Certified

6 个月

Very interesting!


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