Best Practice might be your last practice !

Best Practice might be your last practice !

We have all read many technology updates, or marketing documentation or the new and wonderful way of working on this specific situation. The reality is this, best practice is normally a document or a way of doing that was tried and tested during the past 12 months, in some cases even longer.

The question we have to ask when looking at any best practice models is then, well is this still the case ?

Is this still the situation at the coal face, where the " rubber" meets the road, or are we just doing marketing jargon, without the real life situations that substantiate our best case of 6 months ago. After being read by army of marketing people, and being approved by a long list of boardroom meetings, after hours of work, and many drafts, the best practice is then published and we are now all expected to believe this is the current situation in your area of expertise.

Here is the reality, yesterday's news is just that, yesterday's , in a technology world, in a coronavirus world, things happen you did not plan for, you did not expect, and you definitely don't have a best practice idea of what you need to do.

Are we developing best practice, or just understanding what used to work, at some stage in history and then trying to add this to current planning models. Can we learn from history, of course we need to learn from our past mistakes.

The question becomes, should our past mistakes dictate how we deal with the situation hitting our desks now ?

We need to re-think , re-imagine, and then move forward, a possible suggestion is then rather than best case, lets start planing best scenario and worst scenario planning, and work on the situation on our desks, lets face it reading a best practice report, is not our standard way of dealing with the burning fires hitting our desks.

Best Practice should then become today's practice, otherwise your best practice might be your last practice on the field of play today.

Kevin Hall


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