(Note: If you’re going to try to skip the majority of this, the best news ever is toward the bottom. Also, you're cheating. But I won't hold it against you.)
Hey future Miracle Maker!
As you may know, for the last several years, I have been a Miracle Maker with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, raising money and running for kids in the Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend in Walt Disney World to help these amazing kids and their families get help they need and deserve.
During my first year, as I sat at a breakfast in Epcot, tears rolled down my cheeks as I listened to the stories of families and children whose lives had been absolutely changed, and some even saved, because of this incredible organization. These precious children deserve a chance at life, and these families deserve to watch their children grow and live that full and healthy life.
I’m so excited to be working to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals again this year! After smashing our goal last year, the new goal is $5,000 (and every dollar you and I donate gets turned into TEN dollars for CMN Hospitals).
That’s right! Together, you and I have the opportunity to potentially raise OVER $50,000 for CMN!* WHAT?!
You (yes, you!) can CHANGE the lives of these children and families.
By donating today, we can do this together and make miracles.
Please join me in this effort to help these kids grow up Happily Ever After by clicking on the link and sharing what you can.
Additionally, feel free to share the link ( with friends, family, acquaintances, people you meet in line at the grocery store, people you drive next to on your commute, random strangers on the street, etc.
Let’s help these kids today!
All the Princess-y, Miracle-y Things,
*Every dollar that is used toward the operating budget becomes ten dollars.
(The organization also accepts checks, if you’re more comfortable donating that way. Checks can be made payable to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and given to me.)