The Best News of the Day!
Barry Eisen
Corporate speaker, trainer and business/personal coach, hypnotist, sports psychologist, work mostly with entrepreneurs/realtors
In a world of "fake" news, good news, bad news...want to know the best news? Then open your newspaper (yes, they still exist) to the obituary page and look for your name. If it's not there, get excited because any other news about that day is less important and less thrilling.
You get to use this day any way you choose. You can make it count for you and people around you. You can make a difference in real terms that will impact you and your world making this planet a better place. Or you can let the day go by like a leaf in a breeze bouncing here and there and falling wherever you are taken. This is not about right or wrong, it's about living with intention and knowing that you have a choice and you are not a victim. How are you going to use your day?
Getting caught up in your own stuff is an easy thing to do. The default key in your head is an easy option to hit. It's a no brainer. And because it's your brain on automatic pilot, it generally produces lackluster feelings of "ho hummness," "same ole, same ole," "no guts, no glory," "no pain, no gain," and any other cliché you can think of, too.
If you reflect on those moments that stimulated you, made you the happiest, gave you feelings of true self worth, they probably are attached to moments of learning something new, pushing beyond a self imposed barrier, making a better choice in the face of temptations, helping someone else get through a rough patch, showing a different side of you, you might not have known existed and/or connecting spiritually or socially in a moment of clarity.
If you find yourself saying a thoughtful "yes" to any of the above, know that with a little awareness and focus, these magical moments can happen with greater consistency and consciousness.
Here are 9 potentially life stimulating ideas that can turn Today into T-dahh!
1. Say YES a lot more today. The book is called Think and Grow Rich. Think but don't over think. Growing is doing. Accept the invitation, learn a specific computer skill, try a different food, pick up a book out of your wheelhouse. Today, stimulate your life by learning/doing something worthwhile, but out of the ordinary. Feeling vulnerable is part of the growing process.
2. Whether you were given good or poor DNA, give your body the best in the way of food choices and exercise. Most scientists say we are 25% genetics (nature) and 75% the choices we make (nurture).
Eating as close to the Mediterranean Diet will give your brain and heart the best opportunity to function at their best. Drink plenty of water and take supplements to guarantee the best nutrition. Aerobic and weight bearing exercise with consistency will prevent rust from collecting in your blood, organs and joints. Even if you're not planning to live forever, you can stave off much pain, later in life, brought on by inactivity and neglect. Just defining an idea of what the best choice is helps in those moments when you're unsure. Small shifts in consciousness can create huge bottom line differences. Make a better eating choice, do a little extra exercise and take pleasure in knowing, at the end of the day that you decided, at least for today, to do what's right, not just what was easy.
3. Even if you have "a very good brain," today consciously ask questions and be very present in listening to others' answers. It's courteous, a learning opportunity, disguises ignorance, creates rapport, makes friends (and maybe business) and broadens who you are.
4. Go out of your way today to do something wonderful for someone you may not even know. Doesn't have to be "HUGE!" And random acts of kindness don't have to be random, but just the mindset it takes to be of service or of value to another human being, often impacts more than just the giver and recipient (i.e. the butterfly effect). How far an act of kindness goes is something you can never know.
5. Make it a point when saying "hi" to those around you to hold eye contact just a fraction of a second longer. Make a subtle connection that acknowledges you are present. Cue and clues we give off don't have to be grand gestures. Not talking creepy stares here... just a look that more deeply says, "I really see you."
6. Stick to your business/personal plan, crossing priorities off your A, B, C, To-Do list (you do use one don't you?) as you accomplish them. It's important to feel closure. Today, manage your time well.
7. Spend a certain amount of time at the end of your business day to de-clutter. Clean off your desk, file away things to be filed, clean what needs to be cleaned, etc. so you can start tomorrow fresh and energized, not stuck in yesterday's mess.
8. At the very end of your day, journal at least 3-5 things you did that made you feel you made a difference, a contribution in someone's life. As so many focus on what's neutral to negative, give yourself the option of focusing on what went right. Even if you don't keep a journal regularly, committing to doing this once will, 1) stimulate positive thoughts during the day of "victories" you'd like to be able to write later and 2) create a real feeling of positive self-esteem that you may find yourself journaling regularly to feel it again and again. Positive rituals = positive self esteem.
9. Set yourself up for quality sleep. Quality sleep is about enough REM time for your brain to organize information, reinforce memory, detoxify the cells of the body and produces endorphins and neurotransmitters for staying young and vital. Limit eating and exercise 2 hours before bedtime. Dark cooler rooms work for most. Meditation, self-hypnosis (meditation with an attitude) work for most to establish, not just the falling asleep part of sleep, but the staying asleep that 65% of the population don't experience.
If you decide to do the list of 9 above (You don't like all 9? Fine, do 5!) and nothing clicks for you...Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained. If, today, doing just one of the above makes a difference, you're ahead of the game. Make it a great day!
Thanks for reading and passing this on.
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