Best Never Wins, Best Known Does

Best Never Wins, Best Known Does

In today's fast-paced world, your customers and potential customers see thousands of marketing messages daily. Not to mention, they had more options today at the click of a button.

Not to mention, there is way more competition today in the market place (unless you're in a very niche space).

So what do you do to ensure you attract the right audience to your business consistently?

How do you get customers to choose you over everyone else?

I'm going to let you in on a secret.

Your product isn't that important, how you market the product is.

Some of the brands you buy aren't usually the best, but because you're used to seeing them consistently, you choose them over others because you are familiar with them.

Go to your local Walmart or Target and go to the medicine isle. You will see name brand medicine and directly next to it, you see the "off-brand" or Walmart brand.

They're usually the same quality, but you still choose the the name brand one even though it costs more.

This is proof that as a business owner, you need to focus on becoming known to your target audience and potential customers more that focusing on how great your product is and being prideful.

I had a conversation with a financial advisor on Friday. He recently went out on his own and does not have the marketing system in place old his partner has. He feels he is a better financial advisor than his old partner and can do better by himself.

I asked him how he planned on reaching his target audience and he said he doesn't plan to because once he tells his current customers that he left, they will refer others.

On the other hand, his old partner, who might not be the best financial advisor is averaging 10 appointments per day from his direct mail efforts, and adds two new customers per day from his marketing campaign. Not to mention, he has a strategy to stay in front of his current clients and they usually invest more in business.

Who do you think will continue to be successful?

Now, this doesn't mean that you don't work on being the best that you can be, but what good is the best if no one knows you exist to benefit from what you have to offer.

This is why you see the top attorney in your city on every billboard, on the radio, on TV, dominating google searches and now even social media marketing.

People will argue that this attorney isn't the best, but their business continues to grow, they continue to hire other lawyers and expand into other territories. Other lawyers that think they're better hate on them but will kiss their ring whenever that top attorney is around.

Sound familiar?

Donald Trump, our former President won the election due to him being a polarizing figure and dominating the media.

The Kardashians are not known for being talented, but they have a few billionaires in the family because they know how to generate attention and monetize that attention.

So if this you, figure out how your business and your brand can be the best known in your market.

Top of mind means you will be at the tip of their tongue when it's time to buy.

If you want to learn how to attract prospects on a consistent basis click here.


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