The best masterclass on writing: a satori moment with Mark Levy
Satori is a Japanese word for when growth happens through insight, and the opposite is kensho which means growth through pain.
While writing our book, Viorica Vanica and I would have gone through many kensho moments if Mark Levy had not joined our journey.?
Mark Levy is a differentiation expert. He is the guy that helped Simon Sinek find his why. Crazy no? He is a real magician and a words magician. Read more about him here!
The approach Viorica Vanica and I took to write the book was very scientific and structured. However, when we showed it to Mark, he just couldn’t hold himself to not sharing a few insights (worth around $10k in a regular consultation). He said, "Oh, I don't want you to suffer."
Here are some bits and pieces:?
1. Don’t tolerate things that readers would skip.?A good book, everywhere you open it - has to be interesting, which means leaving out the parts people usually overlook.
2. Best writers write in collages.?(As an entrepreneur, I never heard about this). He quoted Peter Elbow from “Collage: Your Cheatin’ Art”
“the collage process can provide a quicker and easier way to create a draft for a conventional or logically organized essay, and usually the resulting essay is a bit livelier-- more raisins in the loaf. Just follow the main steps of quickly writing everything you can think of in any order and choosing the best bits, and cleaning them up a bit. Then arrange in a logical order (perhaps with the help of an outline) and then thereby out what is missing”
3. "In quickness, there is truth" (quote from the great Ray Bradbury, who wrote “Fahrenheit 451”) - write fast, set the house on fire and later when you edit - poor water over it. Writing you just poor on paper cool words, ideas and while editing - you find the right words and ideas. If you do both at once - there is a task overload.
“In quickness there is truth”
4. TELL YOUR F*ING TRUTH?- never write you feel a thing unless you feel it distinctly. Telling the truth is hard, and the best writers write from the purest form of authenticity.
Personally, during this masterclass on writing, I felt for the first time in my life that?I am able to create without a structure. I am a big fan of systems, and even with the book, I focused a lot on defining the proper structure. But when I came to write the first chapter - it didn’t feel right. I couldn’t force myself to do it.
Creativity can’t be forced.
It has to come from inside.?
And the collage technique fits here perfectly.
Having Mark teaching us about writing in collages with such a passion was my satori moment, and I felt like sharing this with you!
With love, Elena