“The best long-term care insurance in our country is a conscientious daughter,” says one study.

“The best long-term care insurance in our country is a conscientious daughter,” says one study.

It’s something many daughters are all too familiar with, daughter caregiving has continued to be a societal norm across North America. For many health organizations, adult daughters are strained when being put under the pressure to care for their disabled or ill parents while still being expected to maintain the home, care for their children, and work full-time. 

One report done by Jama Neurology back in 2017 reported that 83% of healthcare for aging parents with dementia is by an unpaid family member. That’s a pretty reliable form of insurance to have a daughter who can grow up knowing that one day their parents’ care may be placed entirely on them. Throw in the expectation to also care for their in-laws and it’s a pretty scary thought.

There is still a huge uneven balance when it comes to daughters and sons taking care of parents. 91% of female caregivers have had to make professional sacrifices to take care of their aging or ill parents and many of these women confessed that they had to choose between being a good daughter or a good employee. 

Tensions can often arise between the caregiving sibling and those who seem to take an observational status towards helping out. Other siblings, such as a big brother with a family of his own or a little sister who’s always required an extra push to get motivated, can become even more “dysfunctional” when there is a parent in need. 

If you’re the eldest sibling or caregiver - or you’re the sibling of your parents’ caregiver, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Keeping communication open at all milestones in the caregiving or healing process can be a huge relief and support for everyone involved. Staying silent and allowing tension and resentment continue to seep in can only lead to more issues down the road. Caregivers, ask for help, and siblings, offer before they ask. 

It’s a difficult time for everyone involved, especially the eldest daughter when it comes time to take care of an aging parent. It can also be a rewarding experience to gather valuable time with your loved one. 

Your family can be united and connected when caring for your loved on. Technology has allowed innovative programs and communication possibilities that are bridging the gaps between geographical and emotional distances. Reach out to a member of the eFamily Room today to begin a discussion about your options and how our application can help keep your family together.


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