Best Life-Changing Podcasts for Programmers/College Students!! ????
YASH Siwach
Leetcode (1820+) | Pupil @Codeforces | GFG (1860+) | Codechef (1500+) | AIR -198 GFG 137 | MERN
1.8LPA to 25+ LPA ??| A Small Village to Software Engineer! Tier-3 College to HCL to Product Company (Recommended)
By Nishant Chahar of Anchal Sharma
In this video we have Anchal working at Paypal as a Software engineer, she started her career as a data analyst at HCL. She has shared her journey through the years!
Podcast LINK -> Click here !!
Syntax Errors in Life | Love Babbar | TEDxABESEC
By Love Babbar
Love Babbar, an educationist and software engineer, shares his unique perspective on how embracing failure and learning from our mistakes can lead to success in life.
Podcast LINK -> Click here !!
Striver on College Life, Engineering, DSA, Placements and Mistakes to Avoid
In this video, we talked with Raj Vikramaditya about Engineering, College Life, Time Management, First Programming Language, DSA Sheet, and many more!
Podcast LINK-> Click here !!
1 Secret to Competitive Coding by 7 Star Coder | Google Approached him for an Interview! | Red Coder
He is a 7-star coder on Codechef and a Grand Master on Codeforces. He has secured single-digit ranks in @Google Kickstart and he is an incoming SDE at Google. He has shared his insights on competitive coding so do watch it till the end!
Podcast LINK -> Click here !!
1 Secret to Competitive Coding by Air-1 Google Kickstart ?? | How to start Competitive Programming?
He is a 6-star coder on Codechef and a Master on Codeforces. He has secured AIR-1 in 谷歌 Kickstart. He has shared his insights on competitive coding so do watch it till the end!
Podcast link -> click here !!
7 Life Lessons in becoming a 7* coder amp; ICPC World Finalist | Competitive Programming | [Hindi]
by Vivek Gupta
These are just things that he learned in his 3 years of journey of competitive programming in college and would love to share this with you all to understand what you feel after being to say World Finals or 7* on CodeChef. These are all his personal learnings from actual experiences in CP and my College.
Podcast LINK -> Click here !!
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Thanks for posting !! CFBR
It's amazing, keep posting more such articles!!