The best learning tool is absolutely free

The best learning tool is absolutely free

You know how a box from Amazon can come and, if you don’t open it and put the contents away right then, it can make its home right where it sits for so long that you don’t even notice it anymore when you pass it?  

Well, two things happened this week to let me know that I have been doing, and acting, a certain way for so long that it has become normal for me. I was blind to, and unaware of, how destructive it is to those closest to me.  

This is not an easy post for me because, like most of you, I am a human who likes to be good most of the time. I imagine I am not the first to fall short, but my hope is that you, too, may not land in the trap that I find myself in.  

First, my rising ninth grader baby girl went on a camping trip with a bunch of other kids from her new school to get to know some people before the school year gets started.  

She loved it! It was very exciting to see her recount the entire trip, the friends she met, and the scrapes and bruises that she proudly showed off. I told her that I always knew that she loved camping and I wished we had done more of it.  

Her response was what threw me for a loop: (where did that phrase come from anyway?)  

“Well, Daddy, that’s because you are always working…even when you are at home.”  

Second, there was a terrorist attack in Israel. People quietly enjoying an afternoon at the café, got shot and killed. Many dozens more were traumatized forever.  

I have family in Israel, a big family, including a 92 year-old Aunt whom I have not seen in 25 years. She is my father’s only sister, and a survivor of the Holocaust. I have been planning to go and see this whole family for years but…

“Well, Daddy, that’s because you are always working…even when you are at home.”  

I will say that, at first, I thought up a good defense to Sophie’s comments, and I probably could have come up with some valid counterpoints. But luckily, she just walked out of the room, rolling her eyes as only a fourteen year-old can.  

Here’s the tip: Listen. Listen to your kids, your spouse, your customers, your boss, your co-workers and friends, without defending yourself, for their
perception is real to them no matter what you say or think. Most of all, listen to your inner voice and trust that you will make the right decisions. 

Today, Sophie and I went to the pool, tomorrow on a hike, and look out Aunt Renee and family, I’ll see you in a couple weeks! 


Dan Jourdan, the “Sales Energizer” is the authority on sales motivation.  His work with countless sales teams and leaders around the world has led to the creation of a unique and effective philosophy (Smooth Selling) whereby individuals and their companies achieve massive success and true wealth!

 To find out how you can have the “Sales Energizer” arm your team with life changing information for guaranteed success, go to today!


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