The Best Leadership is Service
Ken Carlson
Experienced Executive Coach and Leadership Trainer with a knack for working with Geeks; Specializing in Engineering, Science, Math, and Medical.
We've rebranded as PricklyPear! In early 2023, we began sharing weekly content (see below) with a focus on neurodivergent leaders and we truly hope it has made a difference for you. Recently, we introduced you to a new company that I (Ken) and Petra Russell, PCC, CPC, ELI-MP have launched to specifically serve neurodivergent leaders.
As Executive Coaches and Leadership Trainers we've had the opportunity to work with hundreds of neurodivergent leaders and coach them through many leadership and workplace challenges. Each week we will continue to share resources and insights for neurodivergent leaders and the rest of us.
This week we discuss the core emotional needs we all share.
The Best Leadership is Service
You’ve understood how to live your best life since the day you were born.
Only fear and pain has made you any different.
We all have core emotional needs that we have been managing our entire lives.
These are the needs:
This is how all of us are wired. Check out the world and just look. What are people after? It’s easy to see that we are all being run by these needs.
So what runs you? Can you see yourself in any of these areas?
I can see myself in all of them and for the sake of educating and being a little vulnerable—I’ll share some examples of how it shows up. I wonder if you can see yourself in any of these stories.
So this is how you have a great life—take a look at your emotional needs and notice that you can dramatically increase your own happiness by focusing on making a difference for others—by serving others.
You may even meet some other emotional needs while you are at it… but even if you don’t…you will still be making a difference.
What can you do today to be of service?
Past Articles: Neurodiverse Leadership Resource Library
Want more resources on neurodiversity leadership? We are finding and creating resources for you. Watch this section expand every week.
Staying In Touch
What leadership challenges are you facing??We’d love to hear from you - feel free to set up a time to chat here: Let's talk!
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