The Best Leadership Lessons from Game of Thrones.
Puneet Pushker
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“A Lannister always pays his debts.” — Tyrion Lannister
In the workplace, the quickest way to lose respect and power is to promise things you can’t deliver. The surest way to get people to do things for you today is for them to trust that you will do what you say you will do in the future. Leaders follow through on their word. When they say they are going to do something, they do it.
“ The mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone—to keep its edge.” — Tyrion Lannister
A good leader never slacks off. A good leader must always train himself and make sure that with every experience, he learns something new that develops his personality. A leader needs to be fresh, both in mind and in deed, because if the leader loses his touch, he would risk losing his status and legitimacy as a leader.
“What we don’t know is what usually gets us killed.” — Petyr Baelish
A good leader is always prepared for any eventuality. An unprepared leader will put the whole team and objective of the team at risk, therefore, a good leader is prepared for the worst case scenarios.
“It’s difficult to put a leash on a dog, after you’ve put a crown on his head.”— Tyrion Lannister
As a leader, don’t give credit where it isn’t due. Don’t give appreciation to someone who doesn’t deserve it as such acts will make the person assume any kind of work can be acknowledged by the upper management.
“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.” — Tyrion Lannister
A good leader will know his strengths and weaknesses inside out. If a leader knows his weaknesses well he can prepare for the outcome when he is faced with that weakness.
“When you waste time trying to get people to love you, you’ll end up the most loved dead man in town.” — Bronn
Don’t be a people pleaser. A good leader should never try to please everyone on the team. A leader who does that will be loved by all, but his leadership and authority will not be valued.
“People work together when it suits them. They’re loyal when it suits them. Love each other when it suits them. And they kill each other when it suits them.” — Orell
A good leader fosters a comforting environment for the team. A good leader will always make sure that the team members will be in environment that is conducive and comfortable to all. If it isn’t, the leader will risk losing the teammates that aren’t happy.
Any man who must say, I am the king, is no true king.” — Tywin Lannister
True power comes from where people believe it comes from, not from where you say it comes from. The best leaders are followed based on the collective will, not because they say, “I am the boss.” Power and influence often come from unexpected places.
The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” — Eddard Stark
Don’t shy away from making tough calls. And just as importantly, do the unpleasant work to follow through. As Ed reminds us, “He who hides behind executioners soon forgets what death is.” Leaders who spend time in the trenches, doing the tough work, will take making tough decisions more seriously.
“Winter is coming.”— House Stark
Leaders remain vigilant. The world is uncertain. The best leaders always innovate, stay strong, and plan for the future. Being prepared for the unexpected is essential. Embrace winter, especially when everyone else is distracted and basking in the sun.
Puneet, thanks for sharing! great post