The best kind of squishy

The best kind of squishy

On Tuesday evening?we had our first therapist meet-up in years.

I had a little panic minutes before it was due to begin because?Jakob?asked me what topic we’d be exploring.

Turns out he was expecting it to be a round-table discussion (and had booked a fitting conference room for this type of format) while I thought we were going to have an evening of after-hour wine and laidback networking.

I calmed my nerves by reminding myself that therapists are the friendliest breed of people, so no matter the format, they’d probably be open to it. And if I ended up having an anxiety attack, at least I’d be surrounded by the right kind of professionals.

At 5.01PM no one had showed up, and?Jakob?pointed out that maybe no one would come, since we hadn’t done a great job at promoting the event.

But then one therapist after another started showing up and soon we almost couldn’t fit into the small conference room. In fact, we were doing a round of introductions when, at some point, we were so many, we had to move the table out of the way and sit on the floor.

The air was electric, because here we were, an eclectic bunch of community-seeking therapists, from different backgrounds, crammed into a room, sharing our stories and laughing at the increasingly challenging logistics.

3 days later I’m still high from the experience and moved by the conversation and take-aways. Berlin really is a unique and inspiring mecca for therapy. And the most valuable ingredient of?It's Complicated?seems to be community!

I got to listen to what the platform has meant to therapists in growing their practice and connecting with peers. Some said they were making their entire living through?It's Complicated, and countless of people expressed so much gratitude that it was almost too overwhelming for me.

I have to get used to?It's Complicated?actually having a life of its own. Many therapists are making a tangible difference in the world and transforming people’s lives through the platform.

Though I still can’t fully grasp the reach of?It's Complicated, yesterday sure was a reminder that there’s purpose in what started as a lil’ friendship project between me and?Jakob????? ????


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