Working in a Jewellers, Best job in the world...
I've had an amazing weekend helping out at Brides The Show. Meeting 1000's of brides, their mothers, bridesmaids, friends and partners. Everyone was so excited to share their stories about their wedding plans and how their partners proposed.I heard Some really romantic stories about the proposal and many beautiful stories of love, life and happiness. I heard some hilarious stories about what they first thought about their partners when they met. I had a great time being part of so many brides special day.
It really is an awesome reward helping people celebrate their engagement and weddings. I have so much pride that I can spend so much time dedicated to it.
I really do have the best job in the world... The impact the customers had on me over the weekend will stay with me and I like to think I'll have had the same impact on some of my customers.
At Goldsmiths we were lucky to have our own video Booth where many of our customers shared their stories. Keep an eye on our social media for some of the best stories.