Best At Job Search Beats Best At Performing The Job (with one exception)

Best At Job Search Beats Best At Performing The Job (with one exception)

It's frustrating for many job seekers ... you know you would be great at the job when you applied for it.

You're perfect for it, and the job is perfect for you.

But still, you aren't hired, don't advance in the hiring process, or don't even get an interview. Sometimes, you'll learn who landed the job and think "I could do the job 10 times better than the person they chose".

You know it, but the hiring manager didn't. Instead, they gave the job to the person who was the best at job searching.

It happens all the time, and one of the reasons job search is so dysfunctional. The best at searching for a job gets the job, beating out candidates who would be better at actually doing the job.

It sucks, it's unfair, it's wrong ... but it's also reality. The candidate who sells themselves best wins, because the hiring manager really doesn't know how well their choice will perform in the job, until they start doing the job.

There's one exception - Strong internal candidates. Internal candidates often have an advantage because the hiring manager has a good picture of their actual performance, so they don't have to be the best at job search. The hiring manager may already know that internal candidate personally. If not, peers can give a pretty clear description, plus the hiring manager has access to performance reviews and the candidate's boss, because they're all internal. Of course, if the internal candidate is weak or the wrong fit, they're at a big disadvantage because the hiring manager will know.

But if you're applying from outside the company, even with a referral, you've got to be better than your competition at job search to land the job. Only then will you have the opportunity to show how well you'll perform in the job.

Want to learn how to make your job search go fast?

Join me Friday 4/1/22 at 11:00am ET/8:00am PT, for my fr3e Resume Revolution! webinar (enroll at for no charge) to learn how to beat job search ageism in 2022.

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